- 論文の詳細を見る
Assessment is a necessary device for making care plans when applying the care insurance system. A comparative study was conducted on the four care assessment measures used for needs evaluation prepared by relevant institutions. We found the following results : 1. The care assessment measure of the Ministry of Health and Welfare is used to determine care needs, but not care planning. It does not contain items on the "care situations" or on the "housing environment, " either, both of which are thought to influence categories of care needed. 2. The care assessment form by the Japanese Social Workers' Association is limited to the application to those who have complex and diverse care management needs which may cover health, medical and welfare fields. Each item in the form is designed to determine the level of care needed. 3. The Japanese Foundation for the Advancement of Home Visit Nursing is developing a care assessment based on the MDS-RAPs from the United States, adjusting to care needs in Japan. It is designed to further clarify the needs through the Chart for Determining Needs Areas. This Chart is used to identify necessary factors for continuing home care management, based on the evaluation of the issues presented in the assessment form. 4. MDS-HC 2.0,another form for home care assessment, contains "trigger" items, whose purpose is to help gain a comprehensive understanding of the functions, health status, family support (care) and use of services by/of the elderly and to help examine detailed needs in each area of home care planning. 5. The following was the result of the examination of the characteristics of needs assessment by the respective institutions according to the number and percentage of items for each need area : ・The measure adopted by the Japanese Social Workers' Asociation and the CAPs make importance of the "functions (ADL, IADL), " "home care conditions and care management, " "health problems and medical issues, " and the like, designed to grasp the needs from a rather multi-faceted perspective. ・The measure by the Japanese Foundation for the Advancement of Home Visit Nursing places special importance on the area in "health problems and medical issues." 6. There were differences in the assessment measures among the institutions. Therefore, it is desirable to manage the series of care management processes through a team of specialists according to the needs.
- 山口県立大学の論文
- 2001-03-25
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