Noble gas measurement in individual micrometeorites using laser gas-extraction system
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All noble gases in 12 individual Antarctic micrometeorites, series F96C and F96D, taken from a water tank at the Dome Fuji Station, were measured by using Nd-YAG CW laser-extraction system. According to the results of light noble gases, the micrometeorites can be separated into two groups, "gas-rich" and "gas-poor". Samples in the gas-rich group have SEP-like ^3He/^4He ratios and Ne isotopic ratios between SEP- and Solar wind-Ne, which are consistent with previous reports on micrometeorites or IDPs. On the other hand, samples in the gas-poor group have very low ^3He/^4He ratios and ^<20>Ne/^<22>Ne ratios lower than the atmospheric values. The ^<40>Ar/^<36>Ar ratios are also separated into two groups, i. e., samples with lower ^<40>Ar/^<36>Ar belong to the gas-rich group. Cosmogenic noble gases were undetected in all the samples and cosmic-ray exposure ages may be shorter than 4.5Ma considering error limits of Ne data. Heavy noble gas elemental compositions are chondritic. There was no correlation between the concentration of volatile elements, sulfur, and that of He and Ne.
- 国立極地研究所の論文
中村 智樹
Laboratory for Earthquake Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Nakamura T
Department Of Earth And Planetary Sciences Faculty Of Sciences Kyushu University
Takaoka Nobuo
Department Of Earth And Planetary Sciences Faculty Of Sciences Kyushu University
Takaoka Nobuo
Department Of Earth And Planetary Sciences Graduate School Of Science Kyushu University
Takaoka N
Department Of Earth And Planetary Sciences Faculty Of Science Kyushu University
Takaoka Nobuo
Earth And Planetary Sciences Graduate School Of Science Kyushu University
Osawa Takahito
Laboratory For Earthquake Chemistry Graduate School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Osawa Takahito
Laboratory For Earthquake Chemistry Graduate School Of Science University Of Tokyo
Nagao Keisuke
Laboratory For Earthquake Chemistry University Of Tokyo
Nakamura Tomoki
Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kyushu University
Nagao Keisuke
Laboratory For Earthquake Chemistry Graduate School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Nakamura Tomoki
Department Of Earth And Planetary Sciences Graduate School Of Science Kyushu University
Nagao Keisuke
Laboratory For Earthquake Chemistry Faculty Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Takaoka Nobuo
Earth And Planetary Sciences Faculty Of Science Kyushu University
Noguchi Takaaki
Department Of Materials And Biological Sciences Ibaraki University
Nakamura Tomoki
Earth And Planetary Science Faculty Of Science Kyushu University
Nagao Keisuke
Geochemical Research Center Graduate School Of Science University Of Tokyo
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