- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to identify self care operation and facilitating factors for diabetes patients in hospital. Orem's self care deficit theory is based on the research framwork of self care operation. Qualitative research method is adopted. Data are consist of taken pictures by patients and semi-structual interview about them. Subjects are 9 patients including IDDM and NIDDM. Five of them are men and four are women, conscious levels are clear and they can see well. At first, we identified kinds of self care operation for 9 patients and then identified facilitating factors for each three operations (estimative operation, tranditional operation, productive operation). The following results were obtained : 1) The important relation between role accomplished and self care was found. 2) In the first admission stage, most of patients accepted "admission and taking treatments" as self care operation. It meant they promote motivation for their treatment. 3) It appeared each treatment (diet, exercise, pharmacotherapy) had different aspect as facilitating factor. In diet key facilitating factor was knowledge. In exercise key facilitating factor was enviroment (time to walk, comfortable walking course around hospital). In pharmacotherapy key facilitating factor was not clear, but it was suggested patients had different perception between oral hyperglycemic agents and injection. 4) The factor of estimative operation as key facilitating factor were knowledge gained from health care givers, symptoms and fear for complication. 5) The factors of tranditional operation as key facilitating factor were health care givers, knowledge acquired by experience, social and family support. In both stage of estimative operation and tranditional operation, patients tended to trust health care givers, while tranditional operation by patients themselves was vague.
- 神戸市看護大学の論文
- 2001-03-31
池田 清子
西村 友希
荒川 靖子
首藤 暁
渋谷 雄平
古田 峰子
西尾 里美
岡田 朋子
西尾 里美
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