Encephalopathy, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and hemolytic-uremic syndrome after infection with enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O111
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2012-08-01
Takata Yoshiko
Departments Of Internal Medicine University Of Tsukuba
Nagata Hajime
Department Of Clinical Laboratory Tonami General Hospital
Okumura Toshiya
Department Of Disease Control And Homeostasis Institute Of Medical Pharmaceutical And Health Science
Sugimoto Tatsuho
Department Of Internal Medicine Tonami General Hospital
Yamada Keiko
Department Of Anaomy Hokkaido University School Of Medicine
Kawai Hiroshi
Department Of Applied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Tohoku University
Matano Sadaya
Infection Control Unit Tonami General Hospital
Inamura Katsuhisa
Department Of Gastroenterolgy Tonami General Hospital
Obata Misato
Department Of Pediatrics Tonami General Hospital
Muramoto Yoshiko
Infection Control Unit Tonami General Hospital
Konishi Michio
Department Of Pediatrics Tonami General Hospital
OKAMURA Toshiyuki
Department of Gastroenterolgy, Tonami General Hospital
Kawai Hiroshi
Department Of Gastroenterolgy Tonami General Hospital
Yamada Keiko
Department Of Pediatrics Tonami General Hospital
Okamura Toshiyuki
Department Of Gastroenterolgy Tonami General Hospital
Sugimoto Tatsuho
Department Of Gastroenterolgy Tonami General Hospital
Okumura Toshiya
Department Of Nephrology Tonami General Hospital
Takata Yoshiko
Department Of Gastroenterolgy Tonami General Hospital
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