タイ原産酢酸菌の16S rRNA遺伝子解析
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2009-06-01
鈴木 健一朗
製品評価技術基盤機構 Nbrc
山田 雄三
山田 雄三
静岡大 農
金安 美香
Nakagawa Yasuyoshi
Biological Resource Center (nbrc) Department Of Biotechnology National Institute Of Technology And E
中川 恭好
中川 恭好
Tanticharoen Morakot
Biotec Culture Collection (bcc) National Center For Genetic Engineering And Biotechnology (biotec)
Tanticharoen Morakot
Biochemical Engineering And Pilot Plant Research And Development Unit National Center For Genetic En
Potacharoen W
Central Research Unit National Center For Genetic Engineering And Biotechnology (biotec) National Sc
Potacharoen Wanchern
Biotec Culture Collection (bcc) National Center For Genetic Engineering And Biotechnology (biotec)
Kaneyasu Mika
Biological Resource Center (nbrc) Department Of Biotechnology National Institute Of Technology And E
Takahashi Mai
Biological Resource Center (nbrc) Department Of Biotechnology National Institute Of Technology And E
Yukphan Pattaraporn
Biotec Culture Collection (bcc) National Center For Genetic Engineering And Biotechnology (biotec)
Malimas Taweesak
Biotec Culture Collection (bcc) National Center Of Genetic Engineering And Biotechnology (biotec)
Muramatsu Yuki
Biological Resource Center (nbrc) Department Of Biotechnology National Institute Of Technology And E
Yukphan Pattaraporn
Biotec Culture Collection (bcc) National Center Of Genetic Engineering And Biotechnology (biotec)
Tanticharoen Morakot
Biotec Culture Collection (bcc) National Center Of Genetic Engineering And Biotechnology (biotec)
鈴木 健一朗
独立行政法人 製品評価技術基盤機構
山田 雄三
Biotec Culture Collection (bcc) National Center Of Genetic Engineering And Biotechnology (biotec)
村松 由貴
独立行政法人製品評価技術基盤機構(NITE)バイオテクノロジー本部 生物遺伝資源部門(NBRC)
高橋 麻衣
独立行政法人製品評価技術基盤機構(NITE)バイオテクノロジー本部 生物遺伝資源部門(NBRC)
金安 美香
独立行政法人製品評価技術基盤機構(NITE)バイオテクノロジー本部 生物遺伝資源部門(NBRC)
Potacharoen Wanchern
Biotec Culture Collection (bcc) National Center Of Genetic Engineering And Biotechnology (biotec)
中川 恭好
独立行政法人製品評価技術基盤機構 バイオテクノロジーセンター(nbrc)
高橋 麻衣
Biological Resource Center (NBRC), Department of Biotechnology, National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (NITE)
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