Microsurgical technique used in right anterior segmentectomy and pancreatoduodenectomy with reconstruction of the right posterior hepatic artery for widespread bile duct cancer involving the hepatic hilus
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1997-12-01
Fuse Akira
First Department Of Surgery Yamagata University School Of Medicine
First Department of Surgery, Yamagata University School of Medicine
KUZU Hiroshi
First Department of Surgery, Yamagata University School of Medicine
Yamagata University School of Medicine, First Department of Surgery
Yamagata University School of Medicine, First Department of Surgery
Kuzu Hiroshi
First Department Of Surgery Yamagata University School Of Medicine
Koike Shuji
Department Of Otolaryngology Yamagata University School Of Medicine
Ishiyama Shuichi
First Department Of Surgery Yamagata University School Of Medicine
Tsukamoto Masaru
First Department Of Surgery Yamagata University School Of Medicine
Kawaguchi Kiyoshi
First Department Of Surgery Yamagata University School Of Medicine
Nakamura Tadashi
Department Of Anesthesia Junwakai Memorial Hospital
First Department of Surgery, Yamagata University School of Medicine
First Department of Surgery, Yamagata University School of Medicine
First Department of Surgery, Yamagata University School of Medicine
First Department of Surgery, Yamagata University School of Medicine
Tanaka Joji
First Department Of Surgery Yamagata University School Of Medicine
Igarashi Yukio
First Department Of Surgery Yamagata University School Of Medicine
Urayama Masahiro
First Department Of Surgery Yamagata University School Of Medicine
Sakurai Fumiaki
First Department Of Surgery Yamagata University School Of Medicine
Nakamura Tadashi
Department Of Otolaryngology Yamagata University School Of Medicine
- 黄痘を伴うVater乳頭部癌にアシアロシンチグラフィーを用い術前肝予備能評価をおこない安全に膵頭十二指腸切除術を施行した1例
- Letter to the Editor
- 直腸癌, 腎癌術後に胃腺扁平上皮癌と膀胱癌が発生した4重癌の1例
- 1881 大腸癌多発肝転移切除例の予後因子(大腸癌転移6(肝転移),一般演題,第61回日本消化器外科学会定期学術総会)
- 0518 待機的結腸直腸癌手術における術前免疫増強栄養剤投与の効果(大腸悪性7(特殊癌),一般演題,第61回日本消化器外科学会定期学術総会)
- 0282 早期胃癌のリンパ節転移頻度(リンパ流域別)(胃診断3(リンパ節転移),一般演題,第61回日本消化器外科学会定期学術総会)
- 0249 直腸癌,腎癌術後に発生した胃腺扁平上皮癌の一例(胃悪性6(特殊組織型),一般演題,第61回日本消化器外科学会定期学術総会)
- 大腸低分化腺癌症例の検討
- KIT発現が陰性化した再発胃GISTの1例
- 大腸癌同時性肝転移切除例の予後因子
- Impaired Insulin Secretion in Four Tangier Disease Patients with ABCA1 Mutations
- Reciprocal Relationship between Adiponectin and C-Reactive Protein
- Contribution of Adiponectin Gene Mutation to Coronary Artery Disease
- Adiponectin Dysregulation as a Common Cause of Insulin Resistance and Atherosclerosis
- 0754 腹腔鏡下脾摘術の意義 : 開腹手術との比較(脾・門脈2,一般演題,第61回日本消化器外科学会定期学術総会)
- IPMNの診療 : 通常型膵癌の合併・膵外の臓器に発生する癌・断端の取り扱い
- P-2-201 噴門部癌および上部胃癌におけるリンパ節転移状況を含めた臨床病理学的差異と至適術式(胃 噴切1,一般演題(ポスター),第62回日本消化器外科学会定期学術総会)
- 胆嚢摘出術で注意すべき胆管走行異常(Cystohepatic duct)の1例
- 胆嚢摘出術で注意すべき胆管走行異常の1例 : 胆嚢に肝内胆管 (B5×2本) が合流(肝・胆・膵16, 第60回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- 膵管内乳頭粘液性腫瘍の診療 : 通常型膵癌の合併・多発癌・断端の扱いに関する検討(膵臓6, 第60回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- Vater 乳頭部癌におけるMUC蛋白発現の意義 : 膵癌・IPMNとの比較(第105回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- 直腸癌術後の難治性直腸膣瘻に対し薄筋筋皮弁の充填により治癒しえた1例
- PPB-3-217 Vater乳頭部癌に対する術中照射療法の意義(乳頭部癌2)
- OP-2-016 薄筋筋皮弁の充填により治癒しえた,直腸癌術後,難治性直腸膣瘻の一例(大腸8)
- EV-17-2 膵癌に対する標準手術
- Novel ELISA for Apo B-48 Revealed Chylomfcron Remnants (CR) Are Accumulated in the Plasma of Diabetic Patients despite Normolipidemia
- Significance of measuring serum apolipoprotein (apo) B-48 concentrations in evaluating the metabolism of chylomicrons and chylomicron remnants
- Magnitude of Sustained Multiple Risk Factors for Ischemic Heart Disease in Japanese Employees : A Case-Control Study
- DP-027-7 胃癌肝転移に対する外科治療の検討(第107回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- Relationship between the Serum Uric Acid Level, Visceral Fat Accumulation and Serum Adiponectin Concentration in Japanese Men
- PC-1-178 妊娠19週の腹腔鏡下胆嚢摘出術の1例
- 消化器外科周術期の Rapid Turnover Protein (RTP) 測定の意義(第105回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- 腫瘤形成型胆管細胞癌の非切除例における放射線化学療法の効果
- 49. 逆流防止機能を付加した食道胃吻合術の2例(Session7 噴門側切除後再建I : 食道胃吻合)(第33回胃外科・術後障害研究会)
- PPS-2-129 食道下咽頭同時重複癌切除症例の検討(食道重複癌)
- 食道癌放射線化学療法後切除例のアポトーシス関連蛋白等の変化(第56回日本食道疾患研究会)
- III-8-1.当科における食道狭窄,食道気管支痩に対するmetallic stentの治療成績
- Adiponectin as a Biomarker of the Metabolic Syndrome
- ss胆嚢癌切除例のリンパ節転移(第105回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- 転移性肝癌に対する外科治療
- 胃癌術後肝転移の予測にAFP免疫染色は有効か
- 同時性多発胃癌症例の検討
- 噴門側胃切除における空腸嚢間置術の検討
- リンパ節内微小転移巣の分布からみた効率的な検索方法
- P-2-73 脾膿瘍を合併したベーチェット病の1例(脾・門脈 脾臓,一般演題(ポスター),第62回日本消化器外科学会定期学術総会)
- DP-089-7 膵癌に対する術中照射療法の有用性について(第107回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- 0976 切除不能膵癌に対する術中照射療法の検討(膵癌補助療法2,一般演題,第61回日本消化器外科学会定期学術総会)
- 膵管内乳頭粘液性腫瘍(IPMN)に対する脾温存膵尾側切除術の検討
- 肝門部胆管癌の臨床病理学的検討 : 特にMUC蛋白の発現について
- Enzymatic Synthesis of Sulfated Disaccharides using β-D-Galactosidase-catalyzed Transglycosylation(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Minocycline is Effective for Patients with Takayasu Arteritis(Peripheral Circulation/Vascular Disease 5 (H), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Vesicular Acidification Is Required for ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter A1-Mediated Cholesterol Efflux
- Measurement of Cholesterol Efflux from Monocyte-Derived Macrophages of Patients with Llpid Disorders and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases
- Effect of Minocycline for Patients with Active Takayasu Arteritis : Long-Term Follow Up Study
- C-Reactive Protein-Mediated Low-Density Lipoprotein Uptake by Human Monocyte-Derived Macrophages : Implications in Atherogenesis
- Serum Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs) Levels Are Diagnostic Markers of Active Phase in Patients with Takayasu Arteritis
- Minocycline Has a Steroid-Sparing Effect in Treatment of Takayasu Arteritis
- Association of Hypo-Adiponectinemia with Coronary Artery Disease in Women
- A Novel Plasma Protein Abundantly Expressed in Visceral Fat, Visfatin, Associated with Coronary Artery Disease
- Hypo-adiponectinemia as an Independent Coronary Risk Factor in Osaka CAD Study Group
- OP-2-097 膵の動脈解剖(膵2)
- LOCALIZATION OF G-PROTEIN IMMUNOREACTIVITIES IN THE VOMERONASAL ORGAN OF AMPHIBIANS(Physiology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 75^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- 下大静脈靭帯の外科解剖
- P-2-656 中部胆管癌切除例の検討(胆 胆管癌2,一般演題(ポスター),第62回日本消化器外科学会定期学術総会)
- 内膀胱上窩ヘルニアの1例
- Novel ELISA for Apo B-48 Revealed the Accumulation of Chylomicron Remnants in Diabetic Patients, Predisposing Them to Coronary Heart Disease (Diabetes/Obesity 7 (H), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- The Metabolic Syndrome in Japanese and the Role of Adipocytokines
- Age-related increase in subjects with multiple coronary risk factors (MRF) is attributed to age-related accumulation of visceral fat (VF)
- DP-173-6 膵体尾部切除術における脾温存術式と脾合併切除術式の比較検討(第107回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- EXPRESSION OF G-PROTEIN AND NITRIC OXIDE SYNTHASE IN THE LABELLAR CHEMOSENSORY NEURONS OF BLOWFLY(Physiology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 76^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- A Plasma Protein Abundantly Expressed in Visceral Fat, Visfatin Modulates Inflammatory Response in Human Monocyte-derived Macrophages
- 著名な肝外発育を呈した肝嚢胞腺腫の1例
- Visceral Fat Accumulation Contributes to Insulin Resistance, Small-Sized Low-Density Lipoprotein, and Progression of Coronary Artery Disease in Middle-Aged Non-Obese Japanese Men
- Nodal involvement as an indicator of postoperative liver metastasis in carcinoma of the papilla of Vater
- 腫瘤形成型肝内胆管癌の治療戦略 : 非切除例に対する放射線化学療法の効果(Cholangiocarcinoma の治療戦略, 第60回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- PS-209-4 腫瘤形成型肝内胆管癌の非切除例に対する放射線化学療法
- 脾摘術(腹腔鏡下手術を含む) (臨床解剖から見た手術のシークレット) -- (膵臓・脾臓の手術)
- 症候に対する初期対応と転送のタイミング 腹痛 (生涯教育シリーズ(69)実践 救急医療) -- (初期診療における指針)
- 門脈狭窄に対する門脈内ステント留置の検討
- 重症急性膵炎に対する持続動注療法の解剖学的検討(膵臓12, 第60回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- 下右肝静脈 (IRHV) 温存の右肝静脈 (RHV) 合併肝切除の検討(第105回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- The significance of intraoperative Doppler ultrasonography in evaluating hepatic arterial flow when assessing the indications for the Appleby procedure for pancreatic body cancer
- 術後腹腔内膿瘍の治療 (特集 再手術--予防・適応・手術手技)
- 腹部救急手術例における高齢者外科治療の問題点と対策 : 非高齢者との比較から
- 膵嚢胞性疾患 : 診断・治療の問題点
- Intra- and postoperative radiation therapy for an alpha-fetoprotein-producing pancreatic carcinoma
- 膵管胆管合流異常に合併した膵頭部癌の1例
- Perineural Invasion in Pancreatic Cancer
- Primary sclerosing cholangitis successfully treated by resection of the confluence of the hepatic duct
- Successful Resection of a Liver Metastasis from Gastric Leiomyoblastoma : Report of a Case
- A Plasma Protein Abundantly Expressed in Visceral Fat, Visfatin, Increases Endothelial MCP-1 Expression and Contributes to Coronary Artery Disease
- THE LOCALIZATION OF G-PROTEIN IMMUNOREACTIVITIES IN THE OLFACTORY EPITHELIUM OF AMPHIBIANS(Physiology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 74^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- ウシ卵管上皮細胞が分泌する可溶型N-アセチルグルコサミニルトランスフェラーゼ1:LH,VEGFおよびTNFαによる分泌刺激効果
- A Case of Adolescent Hyperlipoproteinemia with Xanthoma and Acute Pancreatitis, Associated with Decreased Activities of Lipoprotein Lipase and Hepatic Triglyceride Lipase
- Differential effects of NMDA and AMPA/KA receptor antagonists on c-Fos or Zif/268 expression in the rat spinal dorsal horn induced by noxious thermal or mechanical stimulation, or formalin injection
- Effects of previous noxious stimulus applied to remote areas on noxious stimulus-evoked c-Fos expression in the rat trigeminal nucleus caudalis
- ウシ成熟卵胞を微透析した灌流液中におけるGnRH-immunoreactivityの存在
- Results of surgical treatments and prognostic factors for hepatic hilar bile duct cancer
- Microsurgical technique used in right anterior segmentectomy and pancreatoduodenectomy with reconstruction of the right posterior hepatic artery for widespread bile duct cancer involving the hepatic hilus
- 肝門部胆管癌, 胆嚢癌, 中下部胆管癌における微小リンパ節転移の臨床的意義