JENDL Actinoid File 2008
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JENDL Actinoid File 2008 (JENDL/AC-2008) was released in March 2008. It includes nuclear data for neutron-induced reactions for 79 nuclides from Ac (Z=89) to Fm (Z=100). The neutron energy range is 10−5 eV to 20 MeV. Almost all data for 62 actinoids in JENDL-3.3 were revised. New evaluations were performed for 17 nuclides, which have half-lives longer than one day. A new comprehensive theoretical model code CCONE was widely used for the evaluation of cross sections and neutron emission spectra. Thermal cross sections for many nuclides were revised based on experimental data. Resonance parameters were readjusted to reproduce them. Simultaneous evaluations of fission cross sections were performed for six important nuclei. The least-squares fitting code GMA was used for the evaluation of fission cross sections for minor actinoids. In this paper, we present the evaluation methods and results of the JENDL/AC-2008.
- 2009-05-01
Chiba Go
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Okumura Keisuke
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Iwamoto O
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Japan Atomic Energy Research Instiute
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Chiba Satoshi
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Chiba S
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
FURUTAKA Kazuyoshi
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
OTUKA Naohiko
International Atomic Energy Agency
OHSAWA Takaaki
School of Science and Engineering, Kinki University
Ohsawa Takaaki
School Of Science And Engineering Kinki University
Chiba S
Japan Atomic Energy Res. Inst.
OTUKA Naohiko
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
奥村 啓介
日本原子力研究開発機構 原子力基礎工学研究部門
Okumura Keisuke
Department Of Nuclear Energy System Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Okumura Keisuke
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Furutaka Kazuyoshi
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Iwamoto Osamu
Department Of Immunology Kurume University School Of Medicine
Nakagawa Tsuneo
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Okumura Keisuke
Nuclear Science And Engineering Directorate Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Iwamoto Osamu
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
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