The ^<12>C(p, p'3α)Breakup Reaction Induced by 14, 18 and 26 MeV Protons
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Double-differential cross sections (DDXs) of emitted protons and α particles were measured for proton-induced reactions on 12C at 14, 18 and 26 MeV in order to investigate the 12C(p, p3α) breakup reaction. The experimental DDXs were analyzed on the assumption that the (p, p3α) reaction proceeds through two major processes, a three-body simultaneous breakup (3BSB) process (I. E., p + 12C→ p + α + 8Be*2.94MeV) and sequential decay processes from unstable nuclei produced by (p, p) and (p, α) reactions (I. E., 12C, 9B, 8Be and 5Li). Partial cross sections for the various reaction channels were extracted from the measured DDXs by a least squares method with two fitting functions: a three-body phase distribution function for the 3BSB process and a Breit-Wigner function for the transition to a discrete level in the first step of the sequential decay process. The result showed that the 12C(p, p3α) reaction took place predominantly via nearly isotropic particle emission in the 3BSB process, and emission of protons and α particles with low energies was explained well by the sequential decay via 12C* and 9Bg.s.. Experimental (p, p) and (p, p) scattering cross sections at 26 MeV were reproduced well by the coupled-channels calculation with the soft-rotator model. The experimental DDXs were compared with a Monte Carlo calculation based on the SCINFUL/DDX code and the latest intermediate energy nuclear data evaluation library LA150.
- 社団法人 日本原子力学会の論文
- 1999-04-25
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kyushu University
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kyushu University
KOORI Norihiko
Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokushima
桑折 範彦
魚住 裕介
Koori N
Faculty Of Integrated Arts And Sciences The University Of Tokushima
Uozumi Yusuke
Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University
Iwamoto O
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
井尻 秀信
Department of Advanced Energy Engineering Science, Kyushu University
Japan Atomic Energy Research Instiute
CHIBA Satoshi
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
HARADA Masahide
Department of Energy Conversion Engineering, Kyushu University
Department of Energy Conversion Engineering, Kyushu University
Department of Energy Conversion Engineering, Kyushu University
SATO Kazumichi
Department of Energy Conversion Engineering, Kyushu University
Department of Energy Conversion Engineering, Kyushu University
IJIRI Hidenobu
Department of Energy Conversion Engineering, Kyushu University
MEIGO Shin-ichiro
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
MEIGO Shin-ichirou
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Nakamura T
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
Chiba Satoshi
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Chiba S
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Watanabe Yukinobu
Department Of Advanced Energy Engineering Science Kyushu University
Nakamoto Tatsushi
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
魚住 裕介
Yoshida Hiroki
Department Of Biomolecular Sciences Faculty Of Medicine Saga University
Sato Kazumichi
Department Of Energy Conversion Engineering Kyushu University
Fukahori T
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Fukahori Tokio
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
井尻 秀信
井尻 秀信
九大 大学院総合理工学研究院
Ijiri Hidenobu
Department Of Energy Conversion Engineering Kyushu University
Harada M
Department Of Energy Conversion Engineering Kyushu University
Harada Masahide
Faculty Of Energy Conversion Engineering Kyushu University
Chiba S
Japan Atomic Energy Res. Inst.
Harada Masahide
Department Of Cardiology Tokyo Medical University
Yoshioka Satoshi
Department Of Energy Conversion Engineering Kyushu University
Yamamoto Akihisa
Department Of Energy Conversion Engineering Kyushu University
Watanabe Yukinobu
Energy Conversion Engineering Kyushu University
Nakashima Toshiyuki
Department Of Chemistry Graduate School Of Science Hiroshima University
Uozumi Yusuke
Department Of Applied Quantum Physics And Nuclear Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu Universi
Uozumi Yusuke
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Kyushu University
Yoshida H
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Kyushu University
Iwamoto Osamu
Department Of Immunology Kurume University School Of Medicine
Shibata Keiichi
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Yoshida Hiroshi
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Kyushu University
Watanabe Y
Department Of Advanced Energy Engineering Science Kyushu University
Sato K
Department Of Energy Conversion Engineering Kyushu University
Nakamura T
Cyclotron And Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
Iwamoto Osamu
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Clinical Pharmacy, Graduate School of Clinical Pharmacy, Kyushu University of Health and Welfare
Yamamoto Akihisa
Department of Chemistry, Kochi University
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