Design Study of Feasible Water Detritiation Systems for Fusion Reactor of ITER Scale
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Atomic Energy Society of Japanの論文
- 1996-12-25
岩井 保則
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kyushu University
IWAI Yasunori
Tritium Engineering Laboratory, Japan Atomic Energy Research Instite
Tritium Engineering Laboratory, Japan Atomic Energy Research Instite
Yoshida H
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Kyushu University
Tsuchiya Hiroyuki
Hitachi Nuclear Engineering Co. Ltd.
Okuno K
Shizuoka Univ.
Okuno Kenji
Tritium Engineering Laboratory Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.
ITER Joint Central Team at Naka Site
ITER Joint Central Tram at Naka Site
Yoshida Hiroshi
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Kyushu University
Yokogawa Nobuhisa
Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd.
Yamanishi T
Tritium Engineering Laboratory Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Yamanishi Toshihiko
Tritium Engineering Laboratory Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
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