Root specific expression of Na^+/H^+ antiporter gene from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 confers salt tolerance of tobacco plant
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Tobacco plants were transformed with a Nhap type Na+/H+ antiporter gene, SynnhaP1 (slr1595), from a cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Two kinds of promoters, Arabidopsis alcohol dehydrogenase gene promoter (Adh promoter) and CaMV 35S promoter (35S promoter), were used. The transgenic plants driven by Adh promoter accumulated SynNhaP1 proteins only in root whereas the transgenic plants driven by 35S promoter accumulated SynNhaP1 proteins in all tissues. Confocal imaging of SynNhaP1-GFP fusion protein suggests the intracellular localization of SynNhaP1 in plasma membrane. Transgenic plants exhibited higher germination yields, increased biomass during developmental stage, increased seed production, and decreased intracellular Na+ content under salt-stress conditions. The transgenic plants driven by Adh promoter exhibited similar or slightly higher salt tolerance than that by 35S promoter. These results indicate the importance of expression of Na+/H+ antiporter in root for salt tolerance in plant.
- 日本植物細胞分子生物学会の論文
- 2006-06-01
高倍 昭洋
Hibino Takashi
Graduate School Of Environmental And Human Sciences Meijo University
Tanaka Y
Graduate School Of Environmental And Human Sciences Meijo University
Takabe Teruhiro
Research Institute, Meijo University
Hibino T
Graduate School Of Environmental And Human Sciences Meijo University
Hibino T
Meijo Univ. Aichi Jpn
Hibino Takashi
Institute Of Science Meijo University
Graduate School of Environmental and Human Sciences, Meijo University
WADITEE Rungaroon
Research Institute, Meijo University
TANAKA Yoshito
Graduate School of Environmental and Human Sciences, Meijo University
Takabe Teruhiro
Research Institute Meijo University
Takabe T
Res. Inst. Meijo Univ.
Takabe Tetsuko
Bioscience Center Nagoya University
Hossain Gazi
Graduate School Of Environmental And Human Sciences Meijo University
Tanaka Yoshito
Graduate School Of Environmental And Human Sciences Meijo University
Higuchi Tatsuji
Laboratory Of Biochemistry Graduate School Of Bioagricultural Sciences Nagoya University
Higuchi Takashi
Plant Molecular Physiology Research Institute Of Innovative Technology For The Earth (rite)
Waditee Rungaroon
Research Institute Meijo University
Tanaka Yoshito
Dept. Chem. Fac. Sci. And Tech. Meijo Univ.
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