Fasting-induced reduction in locomotor activity and reduced response of orexin neurons in carnitine-deficient mice
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2006-05-01
Eguchi Naomi
Waseda-Olympus Bioscience Research Institute, Waseda University
NAKAZATO Masamitsu
Department of 3rd Internal Medicine, Miyazaki Medical College
堀内 正久
Horiuchi Masahisa
Department of Environmental Medicine, Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sci
Eguchi Naomi
Waseda-olympus Bioscience Research Institute Waseda University
Begum Laila
Department Of Molecular Metabolism And Biochemical Genetics Kagoshima University Graduate School Of
Department of Geriatric and Environmental Dermatology, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Med
SAHEKI Takeyori
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University
YOSHIDA Goichiro
Department of Molecular Metabolism and Biochemical Genetics, Kagoshima University Graduate School of
LI Meng
Department of Molecular Metabolism and Biochemical Genetics, Kagoshima University Graduate School of
Laboratory for Neuroanatomy, Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
Waseda-Olympus Bioscience Research Institute, Waseda University
Laboratory for Neuroanatomy, Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
Laboratory for Neuroanatomy, Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
Department of Molecular Metabolism and Biochemical Genetics, Kagoshima University Graduate School of
LU Yao
Department of Molecular Metabolism and Biochemical Genetics, Kagoshima University Graduate School of
Department of Molecular Metabolism and Biochemical Genetics, Kagoshima University Graduate School of
HANADA Takeshi
Department of Internal Medicine, Miyazaki Medical College, University of Miyazaki
Department of Molecular Behavioral Biology, Osaka Bioscience Institute
Kozako Tomohiro
Departments Of Clinical Pharmacy Faculty Of Medicine Kagoshima University
中河 志朗
Horiuchi Masahisa
Department Of Biochemistry Faculty Of Medicine Kagoshima University
Nakazato Masamitsu
Department Of Internal Medicine Miyazaki Medical College University Of Miyazaki
Lu Yao
Department Of Electronic Engineering Gunma University
Lu Yao
Department Of Molecular Metabolism And Biochemical Genetics Kagoshima University Graduate School Of
Li Meng
Department Of Molecular Metabolism And Biochemical Genetics Kagoshima University Graduate School Of
Jalil Md.
Department Of Molecular Metabolism And Biochemical Genetics Kagoshima University Graduate School Of
Sakata Mie
Waseda-olympus Bioscience Research Institute Waseda University
Huang Zhi-li
Department Of Molecular Behavioral Biology Osaka Bioscience Institute
Iijima Mikio
Department Of Molecular Metabolism And Biochemical Genetics Kagoshima University Graduate School Of
Iijima Mikio
Department Of Cell Biology Institute Of Molecular And Cellular Biology Okayama University Medical Sc
Nakagawa Shiro
Dept. Anat. Kagoshima Univ. Sch. Med.
Nakagawa Shiro
Laboratory For Neuroanatomy Graduate School Of Medicine And Dental Sciences Kagoshima University
Nakagawa Shiro
First Dpartment Of Anatomy Faculty Of Medicine Kagoshima University
Kuchiiwa Toshiko
Laboratory For Neuroanatomy Kagoshima University Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Sciences
中河 志朗
Hanada Takeshi
Department Of Internal Medicine Miyazaki Medical College University Of Miyazaki
Kobayashi Keiko
Department Of Biochemical Pharmacology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chiba University
Saheki Takeyori
Department Of Molecular Metabolism And Biochemical Genetics Kagoshima University Graduate School Of
Saheki Takeyori
Department Of Biochemistry Faculty Of Medicine Kagoshima University
Nakagawa Shiro
Laboratory For Neuroanatomy Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Sciences Kagoshima University
Kuchiiwa Satoshi
Department Of Neuroanatomy Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Sciences Kagoshima University
Saheki Takeyori
Department Of Molecular Metabolism And Biochemical Genetics Kagoshima University Graduate School Of
Yoshida Goichiro
Department Of Molecular Metabolism And Biochemical Genetics Kagoshima University Graduate School Of
Kuchiiwa Satoshi
Laboratory For Neuroanatomy Kagoshima University Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Sciences
Iijima Mikio
Department Of Biochemistry And Genetics Kagoshima University Graduate School Of Medical And Dental S
Kobayashi Keiko
Department Of Molecular Metabolism And Biochemical Genetics Kagoshima University Graduate School Of
Kobayashi Keiko
Dep. Of Molecular Metabolism And Biochemical Genetics Kagoshima Univ. Graduate School Of Medical And
Kobayashi Keiko
Department Of Molecular Metabolism And Biochemical Genetics Kagoshima University Graduate School Of
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