Presenile dementia mimicking Pick's disease : An autopsy case of localized amygdala degeneration with character change and emotional disorder
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2006-09-01
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Tokyo Metropolitan Matsuzawa Hospital
KASAHARA Toshihiko
Department of Molecular Toxicology and COE Program in the 21st Century, School of Pharmaceutical Sci
ARAI Tetsuaki
Department of Psychogeriatrics, Tokyo Institute of Psychiatry
Tsuchiya Kuniaki
Department Of Laboratory Medicine And Pathology Metropolitan Matsuzawa Hospital
Arai Tetsuaki
Department Of Neuropathology Tokyo Institute Of Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry, Tokushima University Hospital
SEKI Yukako
Department of Psychiatry, International Medical Center of Japan
Arai T
Department Of Applied Biological Science Faculty Of Science And Technology Science University Of Tok
Seki Yukako
Department Of Psychiatry International Medical Center Of Japan
Kasahara Toshihiko
Department Of Applied Biochemistry Hiroshima University
Kasahara Toshihiko
Department Of Psychiatry International Medical Center Of Japan
Shibuya Tayoshi
Department Of Psychiatry Tokushima University Hospital
Kasahara T
Department Of Biochemistry Kyoritsu University Of Pharmacy
Tsuchiya K
Department Of Aeronautics And Astronautics Graduated School Of Engineering Kyoto University
Shibuya-Tayoshi S
Department of Psychiatry, Tokushima University Hospital
Seki Y
Department of Psychiatry, International Medical Center of Japan
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