Nahcolite in fluid inclusions from the Ryoke metamorphic rocks and its implication for fluid genesis
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Nahcolite (NaHCO3) has been found in fluid inclusions in quartz veins hosted by the Ryoke metamorphic rocks in Kasado-Jima (Island), Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan. The inclusions are classified into three types: type 1 containing vapor +/− liquid of the H2O-NaCl-CO2-CH4 system, type 2 of H2O-NaCl fluids and type 3 with nahcolite solid. Salinities of the nahcolite-bearing fluids are lower than 4 wt% NaCl eq. Extremely large volume fractions of nahcolite solids, occupying more than 50% of total inclusion volume, and various fluid compositions are indicative of their origin as accidentally trapped ones while the fluids were immiscible below the nahcolite melting temperature (270 °C). A thermodynamic calculation of the nahcolite stability and a phase analysis of the fluids show logaNa+ = 7.4 − pH as the minimum activity at P = 100 MPa and T = 270 °C where the neutral pH = 5.6. Hence, it can be concluded that the original (prior to immiscible state) liquids might have contained high Na+ and low Cl− yielded by an interaction of a low-salinity fluid and Na-bearing minerals such as plagioclase in the host metamorphic rocks below the fractures now occupied by quartz if nahcolite precipitated from boiling fluids.
- 2006-10-01
星野 健一
広島大 理
Hoshino Kenichi
Dep. Of Earth And Planetary Systems Sci. Hiroshima Univ.
Hoshino K
Department Of Earth And Planetary Sciences Hiroshima University
Watanabe Makoto
Department Of Cardiology Hirai Hospital
Hoshino Kenichi
Dep. Of Earth And Planetary Systems Sci. Graduate School Of Sci. Hiroshima Univ.
Hoshino Kenichi
Department Of Earth And Planetary Sciences Hiroshima University
Hoshino Kenichi
Department Of Earth And Planetary Systems Science Graduate School Of Science Hiroshima University
Okudaira Takamoto
Department Of Earth And Planetary Systems Science Faculty Of Science Hiroshima University
Masutomi Geology Museum
Department of Geosciences, Osaka City University
Beppu Yuki
Department Of Geosciences Osaka City University
Watanabe Makoto
Department Of Cardiology Anjo Kosei Hospital
Watanabe Makoto
Department Of Analytical Chemistry Of Medicines. Showa Pharmaceutical University
Watanabe Makoto
Department of Analytical Chemistry of Medicines, Showa Pharmaceutical University
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