Discussions on laminin as possible biomarkers for neurodegenerative dementia
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2004-03-01
Tamaoka Akira
Department Of Neurology Institute Of Clinical Medicine University Of Tsukuba
ITO Naohiro
Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry, Okayama Univeristy
Department of Neuropathology and Neuroscience, Tokyo University
Department of Molecular Neurobiology, Tokyo Institute of Psychiatry, Tokyo Metropolitan Organization
ITO Nobuo
Department of Pathology,Shinshu University,School of Medicine
TAKEDA Masatoshi
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Proteomics, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Mitsubishi Kagaku Institute of Life Sciences
Department of Neurology, Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital
Section of Environment and Health Science, Department of Biological Regulation, School of Health Sci
Urakami Katsuya
Section Of Environment And Health Science Department Of Biological Regulation School Of Health Scien
Urakami Katsuya
Section Of Environment And Health Science Department Of Biological Regulation Faculty Of Medicine To
Takeda Masatoshi
Department Of Clinical Neuroscience Psychiatry Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Iwatsubo Takeshi
Department Of Neuropathology And Neuroscience University Of Tokyo Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical
Iwatsubo Takeshi
Department Of Neuropathology And Neuroscience Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University
Okamura Nobuyuki
Bf Research Institute Inc.
Ito Nobuo
Department Of Neurology Mie University School Of Medicine
Shoji Mikio
Department Of Neurology Graduate School Of Medicine And Dentistry Okayama Univeristy
Shoji Mikio
Department Of Neurology Hirosaki University School Of Medicine
Hasegawa Masato
Department Of Molecular Neurobiology Tokyo Institute Of Psychiatry
Saido Takaomi
Proteolytic Neuroscience Laboratory The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (riken) Brain Sc
Kanemaru Kazutomi
Department Of Neurology Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital
MATSUDA Kazunori
Department of Psychiatry, Itoman Seimei Hospital
Takeda Masatoshi
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Ito Nobuo
Department Of Electronic Engineering College Of Engineering University Of Osaka Prefecture
Saido Takaomi
Proteolytic Neuroscience Laboratory The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (riken) Brain Sc
Matsuda Kazunori
Department Of Psychiatry Itoman Seimei Hospital Okinawa (uenae Hospital Hokkaido)
Matsuda Kazunori
Department Of Psychiatry Itoman Seimei Hospital
Takeda Masatoshi
Department Of Biology Niigata University
Takeda Masatoshi
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Niigata University
TAKEDA Masatoshi
Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Psychiatry, Osaka University, Graduate School of Medicine
Hasegawa Masato
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering Science and Research Center for Materials Science at Extreme Conditions, Osaka University
Matsuda Kazunori
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Tokai University
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- Preface
- A Japanese Case with Nasu-Hakola Disease of DAP12 Gene Mutation Exhibiting Precuneus Hypoperfusion
- A Japanese Case of Fragile-X-Associated Tremor/ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS)
- Tauopathy : An overview
- 認知症における記憶障害 (特集 認知症の神経心理学)
- アルツハイマー病研究の40年間 : 新しいアルツハイマー病治療薬の発売年に (特集 『臨床精神医学』発刊40周年記念号 この40年と精神医学)
- 認知症臨床に役立つ生物学的精神医学(No.18)前頭側頭葉変性症の神経変性機序・分子生物学
- アミロイド沈着,神経原線維変化と認知機能低下 (特集 高齢者の認知機能低下を規定するもの)
- 脳予備能と認知予備能 : 高齢者の認知機能を規定する因子 (特集 高齢者の認知機能低下を規定するもの)
- 長寿社会における認知症 : 認知症の社会的側面 (特集 今,認知症にどう向き合うか)
- アルツハイマー病の根本的治療を目指した治療薬開発の現状と戦略 (特集 アルツハイマー病の根本治療を目指す最近の進歩)
- 抗精神病薬 (認知症学(下)その解明と治療の最新知見) -- (臨床編)
- 認知症臨床に役立つ生物学的精神医学(No.19)認知症の治療薬と予防薬
- 精神疾患のレジリエンス (特集 レジリエンスと心の科学)
- 認知症臨床に役立つ生物学的精神医学(No.16)アルツハイマー病の神経変性機序・分子生物学
- 国際老年精神医学会(IPA)の役割 (特集 アジア・オセアニア老年精神医学の動向)
- 特発性正常圧水頭症診療におけるタップテスト (特集 特発性正常圧水頭症 : Update)
- 認知症臨床に役立つ生物学的精神医学(No.21)認知症の予防
- 近未来のアルツハイマー病の診断検査法 : 生化学的マーカー (特集 精神疾患の生物学的検査法の近未来)
- Effects of Image Distortion Correction on Voxel-based Morphometry
- 精神科におけるBPSD治療の現状とこれから (特集 精神科病院の認知症との関わりを考える)
- Molecular Approaches to the Treatment, Prophylaxis, and Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease : Clinical Molecular and Genetic Studies on Alzheimer's Disease
- Gender difference in Psychogeriatric disorders
- Recurrent Isolated Abducens Nerve Paresis Associated with Persistent Trigeminal Artery Variant
- アルツハイマー病の薬物療法の展開 (特集 長寿社会における認知症診療の課題)
- 長寿社会のすがた (特集 長寿社会における認知症診療の課題)
- 認知症診療におけるクリニカルパスと情報共有ノートを用いた認知症地域連携 : つながりノート・みまもりノートの有用性 (特集 長寿社会における認知症診療の課題)
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