Dementia caregivers' burdens and use of public services
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2005-06-01
ARAI Hiroyuki
Department of Biotechnology, The University of Tokyo
佐々木 英忠
佐々木 英忠
Seki Takashi
Department ot Pediatrics, Nippon Medical School
佐々木 英忠
Akatsu H
Center For Asian Traditional Medicine Department Of Geriatrics And Gerontology Tohoku University Gra
Arai Hiroyuki
東北大学 医学系研究科老年病態学
佐々木 英忠
SUEMOTO Takahiro
BF Research Institute
SASAKI Hidetada
Department of Geriatric and Respiratory Medicine, Tohoku University School of Medicine
Department of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
MATSUI Toshifumi
Department of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Geriatric and Respiratory Medicine, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Geriatric and Complementary Medicine, Center for Asian Traditional Medicine Research
TANJI Haruko
Department of Geriatric and Respiratory Medicine, Center for Asian Traditional Medicine Research, To
MATSUI Toshifumu
Department of Geriatric and Respiratory Medicine, Center for Asian Traditional Medicine Research, To
Iwasaki Koh
Center For Asian Traditional Medicine Department Of Geriatrics And Gerontology Tohoku University Gra
Iwasaki Koh
Department Of Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Matsui Toshifumi
Department Of Geriatrics And Gerontology Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Matsui Toshifumi
東北大学 医学系研究科老年病態学
Tanji Haruko
Department Of Geriatric And Respiratory Medicine Center For Asian Traditional Medicine Research Toho
Tomita Naoki
Department Of Geriatrics And Gerontology Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Tomita Naoki
Department Of Biology And Geosciences Graduate School Of Science Osaka City University
Sasaki H
Department Of Geriatric And Respiratory Medicine Tohoku University School Of Medicine
Sasaki Hidetada
東北大学 医学部老年呼吸器医療分野
佐々木 英忠
東北大学 第一内科
Tomita Naoki
Department Of Geriatric And Respiratory Medicine Tohoku University School Of Medicine
Sasaki Hidetada
Department Of Geriatric And Respiratory Medicine Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Seki Takashi
Department Ot Pediatrics Nippon Medical School
Ootsuki Mari
Department Of Geriatrics And Gerontology Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Nemoto Miyako
Department Of Geriatric And Respiratory Medicine Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Tsuboi Masahiro
Department Of Geriatrics And Gerontology Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
SASAKI Hidetada
Sendai Tomizawa Hospital
Maruyama Masahiro
Department Of Geriatrics And Gerontology Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Maruyama Masahiro
Department Of Applied Mathematics Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Iwasaki Koh
Department Of Biomedical Engineering Graduate School Of Medicine The University Of Tokyo
Arai Hiroyuki
Department Of Biotechnology The University Of Tokyo
Seki Takashi
Department Of Geriatric And Complementary Medicine Center For Asian Traditional Medicine Research To
Seki Takashi
Department Of Cardiology Sendai Medical Center
Arai Hiroyuki
Department Of Applied Chemistry Tokai University
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- Dementia caregivers' burdens and use of public services
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- 197. Clinical Observation of Spontaneous Low Spinal Fluid Pressure Syndrome
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- Geriatric Medicine, Japanese Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative and Biomarker Development
- PAA系共重合体ゲルの電場における屈曲挙動
- A 64-year-old man presenting MRIs of expansive multiple high intensity areas in the cerebral white matter, cerebellum and brainstem
- Survey on geriatricians' experiences of adverse drug reactions caused by potentially inappropriate medications : Commission report of the Japan Geriatrics Society
- Implementation of S-Parameter of Active Elements for FDTD Analysis(Passive Circuits/Components,Emerging Microwave Techniques)
- Effects of pneumococcal vaccination on hospitalization and exacerbations in elderly Japanese chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients
- Prevention of respiratory infactions in the elderly
- Comparison of disabled older people in the USA and Japan
- Three Beam Switched Top Loaded Monopole Antenna(2004 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation)
- Long-term Results in a Case of Meningioma Treated by Embolization Alone : Case Report
- An Efficient Signed-Power-of-Two Term Allocation for Filter Coefficients in Digital Communication System(Software Defined Radio Technology and Its Applications)
- Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy showing extensive spinal cord involvement in a patient with lymphocytopenia
- Dual Pathways for the Secretion of Lysosomal Cholesterol into a Medium from Cultured Macrophages
- Epidemiological Survey of Vegetatie State Patients in Tohoku District in Japan
- Detecting weak protein-protein interactions by modified far-western blotting(METHODS)