Optical Learning Neural Network Using Photorefractive Waveguides
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1997-08-01
Ichioka Y
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
Ichioka Y
Nara National Coll. Technol. Nara Jpn
Itoh Kikuo
Faculty Of General Education Kumamoto University
Department of Computer and Systems Engineering, Kobe University
Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
ITOH Kazuyoshi
Department of Material and Life Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Itoh Kimitaka
Plasma Physics Laboratory Kyoto University
Itoh K
Discrete Device Division Semiconductor Co. Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.
Itoh Kazuyoshi
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kansai University
Matoba Osamu
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Osaka Unviersity
Ichioka Yoshiki
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Itoh Kazuyoshi
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering & High Technology Research Center Kansai
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