Vacuum Magnetic Surface of l=2 Helical Systems
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Vacuum magnetic fields in helical configurations are analyzed by using the scalarpotential which satisfies Laplace equation. By adding the axisymmetric toroidal andvertical magnetic fields to the helical field, the nested magnetic surfaces are con-structed. The rotational transform, aspect ratio, specific volume and helical rippleratio are calculated for the l=2 stellarator/heliotron/torsatron configurations (/;multipolarity of the field) for various values of m (m; toroidal pitch number). Themagnetic sturface is optimized in regard to the rotational transform and the area surrounded by the outermost magnetic surface. The generation of the magnetic well andthe increment of the confinement region by the vertical field are also discussed.Finally, the nz=2 low aspect ratio system is discussed.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1988-06-15
Wakatani Masahiro
Plasma physics Laboratory, Kyoto University
Plasma Physics Laboratory,Kyoto University
Wakatani Masahiro
Plasma Physics Laboratory Kyoto University
Nagasaki Kazunobu
Electric Engineering Department Faculty Of Engineering Kyoto University
ITOH Kimitaka
Plasma Physics Laboratory,Kyoto University
Itoh Kimitaka
Plasma Physics Laboratory Kyoto University
Iiyoshi Atsuo
Plasma Physics Laboratory Kyoto University
Itoh Kimitaka
Plasma Physics Laboratory
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- Vacuum Magnetic Surface of l=2 Helical Systems
- Reply to Comments by J. Todoroki
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