Effects of Controlled-Release Fertilizer on Growth and Ectomycorrhizal Colonization of Pot-Grown Seedlings of the Dipterocarp Dryobalanops lanceolata in a Tropical Nursery(Fertilizers and Soil Amendments)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The effects of the application of controlled-release fertilizer on the growth and ectomycorrhizal colonization of pot-grown seedlings of the dipterocarp species Dryobalanops lanceolata were studied in a nursery in Sarawak, Malaysia, to produce a sufficient number of healthy dipterocarp seedlings to reforest degraded tropical lands. Samples of a forest soil were mixed with an equal volume of river sand following a typical practice in the Niah Forest Research Station nursery. About 1.4 kg of the soil mixture was placed in plastic bags. Either a 700-day (80% elution of the ingredients at 20℃) controlled-release fertilizer (CRF, N : P : K = 12 : 14 : 12) or a chemical fertilizer (CF, N : P : K = 15 : 15 : 15) was applied at the rate of 2, 5, and 10 g per pot. After 16 months of cultivation, mycorrhizal colonization and photosynthetic activity of the seedlings were evaluated, and the nutrient concentration and dry mass were analyzed. Application of ten grams of CRF resulted in the enhancement of the biomass, leaf development, photosynthetic activity, nutrient status, and ectomycorrhizal formation of the seedlings. It is expected that the CRF treatment can be used practically for dipterocarp seedling production in tropical nurseries.
- 社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
宝月 岱造
SAKURAI Katsutoshi
Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi University
Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi University
櫻井 克年
櫻井 克年
Faculty Of Agriculture Kochi University
ケンダワン ジョセフ・ジャワ
Sarawak Planted Forest
Joseph Jawa
Forestry Department Sarawak
Kendawang Joseph
Kendawang J
Forestry Department Of Sarawak Kochi University
Kendawang Joseph
Joseph Jawa
Kendawang Joseph
Kendawang Joseph
Forest Department Sarawak
Shibata Kenji
Faculty Of Agriculture Kochi University
Kendawang Joseph
Forest Dep. Sarawak Mys
Hogetsu Taizo
Department Of Forest Science Faculty Of Agriculture The University Of Tokyo
Hogetsu Taizo
Symbiotic Function Research Unit Asian Natural Environmental Science Center The University Of Tokyo
Ninomiya Ikuo
Ehime Univ. Ehime Jpn
Ninomiya Ikuo
Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University
Ishizuka Satoshi
Center for Joint Research and Development, Kochi University
Sakurai Katsutoshi
Faculty Of Agriculture Kochi University
NARA Kazuhide
Asian Natural Environmental Science Center, The University of Tokyo
RIPOT Semilan
Forest Department Sarawak
Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University
Kendawang Jawa
Okamura Irino
Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi University
Irino Okamura
Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi University
Iba Yumie
Ecology Conservation Society of Kochi
Miyashita Naoya
Asian Natural Environmental Science Center, The University of Tokyo
Nara Kazuhide
The Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo
Hogetsu Taizo
Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University
Nara Kazuhide
Asian Natural Environmental Science Center The University Of Tokyo
Miyashita Naoya
Asian Natural Environmental Science Center The University Of Tokyo
Kendawang Joseph
Forest Department
Ninomiya Ikuo
Faculty Of Agriculture Ehime University
Tanaka Kenzo
Faculty Of Agriculture Ehime University
Iwasaki Kozo
Faculty Of Agriculture Kochi University
Iwasaki Kozo
Department Of Bioresources Sciences Faculty Of Agriculture Kochi University
Kendawang Joseph
Sarawak Planted Forest
Iwasaki K
Faculty Of Agriculture Kochi University
Irino Okamura
Department Of Environmental Science University Of Shiga Prefecture
Hogetsu Taizo
Faculty Of Agriculture The University Of Tokyo
Ishizuka S
Center For Joint Research And Development Kochi University
Tran Khanh
愛媛大 大学院
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