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We tried to elucidate the chemical species of hydroxyaluminum (HyA) and hydroxyaluminosilicate (HAS) ions intercalated into the Mt focusing on the Al by means of ^<27>Al-NMR, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy(ICP-AES), differential thermal analysis(DTA), x-ray diffraction(XRD), and fouriertransform infrared(FTIR).Using ^<27>Al-NMR and ICP-AES, the Al in a Al-OH-Si(OH)_4 mixture was separated into three fractions;Al_<13>, Al_<SYM>, and Al_<NON>.The Al_<13> and Al_<SYM> were quantitatively determined by ^<27>Al-NMR at 62.5 and 0 ppm, respectively.The Al_<NON> was defined as the Al which can be determined by ICP-AES but not by ^<27>Al-NMR.The Al_<SYM> was attributed to electrically-symmetric octahedral Al including monomer (and dimer) HyA ions, and the Al_<NON> was attributed to electrically-asymmetric Al including HAS and/or polymer HyA ions.Among the HAS and HyA solutions prepared, the proportion of Al_<13> ion was higher in the smaller Si/Al ratio.The HAS solutions with the Si/Al ratio greater than 0.24 contained no Al_<13> ion.As result of adsorption kinetics of Al_<13>, Al_<SYM>, Al_<NON>, and orthosilicic acid in three solutions on the montmorillonite(Mt), most of the adsorption reaction occurred within 1 min., and Al_<13> and HAS ions were selectively adsorbed by Mt compared with the Al_<SYM>.The HyA-Mt complex showed a great expansion in the d-spacing compared with Mt, and the d-spacing of the HyA-Mt was 1.64 nm and its peak was broad.On the other hand, the strongest peak of the HAS-Mt was mostly at around 1.80 nm, irrespective of the Si/Al rations of the HAS ions used.Intercalation of HAS ions may occur completely since the enlargement of the d-spacing was clearly seen by XRD and no specific absorption bands were not seen by FTIR.Most of the thermal characteristics of the Mt would be modified by the intercalated HAS ions with a higher Si/Al ratio greater than 0.05.These results indicate that, upon the intercalation of Mt, the outher surface properties detectable by the FTIR were not modified greatly, while the internal surface structure of the complex detected by XRD and DTA analyses was modified greatly.Al_<13> ions could not be fixed in the interlayer space of the Mt, and most of the changes was brought by the fixation of HAS ions in the internal space of Mt.
- 日本粘土学会の論文
SAKURAI Katsutoshi
Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi University
平舘 俊太郎
櫻井 克年
Faculty Of Agriculture Kochi University
Sakurai K
Sophia Univ. Tokyo Jpn
Sakurai K
Faculty Of Agriculture Kochi University
Sakurai Katsutoshi
Faculty Of Agriculture Kochi University
Hiradate Syuntaro
Department of Bioresources Science, National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi University
Hiradate Syuntaro
Department Of Biological Safety Science National Institute For Agro-environmental Sciences
Sakurai K
Department Of Biophysics Graduate School Of Science Kyoto University:core Reserch For Evolutional Sc
Taniguchi Satoru
United Graduate School Of Agriculture Science Ehime University:(present Address) Faculty Of Agricult
Hiradate Syuntaro
Department Of Biological Safety Science National Institute For Agro-environmental Science
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- 32 Soil nutrient fluxes in Hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa) forest in comparison with invaded Bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) site at Naruyama, Kochi Prefecture, Japan
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- 41 Comparisons of the nutrient condition under Imperata cylindrica and Dicranopteris linearis fallow lands after shifting cultivation
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- 2-26 Immobilization of Selenium by Amorphous Iron Oxide from the Polluted Soils
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