- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-10-01
ISHII Yoshiyuki
Department of Biomedical Science, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University
Department of Surgery, Keio University School of Medicine
HASEGAWA Hirotoshi
Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Keio University
Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Keio University
Kitajima M
Department Of Surgery Keio University School Of Medicine
Watanabe M
Department Of Surgery And Pathology Keio University School Of Medicine
Watanabe Masahiko
慶応義塾大学 外科学
Watanabe Masahiko
慶応義塾大学 医学部外科学
Kitajima Masaki
栃木県立がんセンター研究所 がん遺伝子研究室
Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Keio University
Ishii Yoshiyuki
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Watanabe Masahiko
Department Of Anatomy Hokkaido University School Of Medicine
Hasegawa H
Department Of Surgery And Pathology Keio University School Of Medicine
Hasegawa Hirotoshi
Department Of Surgery Keio University Hospital
Hasegawa Hirotoshi
Department Of Surgery School Of Medicine Keio University
Nishibori Hideki
Department Of Surgery And Pathology Keio University School Of Medicine
Nishibori Hideki
Pathology Division National Cancer Center Research Institute
Kitajima Masaki
Department Of Surgery
Ishii Yoshiyuki
Department Of Surgery Keio University School Of Medicien
Kitajima Masaki
Departmemt Of Surgery Keio University School Of Medicine
Watanabe Masahiko
Department Of Surgery And Pathology Keio University School Of Medicine
Watanabe Masahiko
Department Of Surgery School Of Medicine Keio University
Watanabe Masahiko
Department Of Anaomy Hokkaido University School Of Medicine
Watanabe Masahiko
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry The University Of Tokyo
- マウスノロウイルスS7株に対する特異抗体を検出するための間接ELISA法および間接蛍光抗体法
- Molecular Targeting for Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Expressed on Breast Cancer Cells by Human Fusion Protein
- Effectiveness of an Adriamycin Immunoconjugate that Recognizes the C-erbB-2 Product on Breast Cancer Cell Lines
- Cross-sectional analysis of germline BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in Japanese patients suspected to have hereditary breast/ovarian cancer
- A patient with gastric cancer and liver metastases successfully treated with combination chemotherapy including S-1
- Retrospective analysis of prognosis for scirrhous-type gastric cancer : one institution's experience
- Mechanical-Stapled Versus Hand-Sutured Anastomoses in Billroth-I Reconstruction with Distal Gastrectomy
- Metastatic Gastric Cancer from Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma : Report of a Case
- Partial resection of the second portion of the duodenum for gastrointestinal stromal tumor after effective transarterial embolization
- Docetaxel enhances the cytotoxicity of cisplatin to gastric cancer cells by modification of intracellular platinum metabolism
- Diagnosis and Treatment of a Gastric Hamartomatous Inverted Polyp : Report of a Case
- Surgery for Advanced Gastric Cancer After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Using the Right Gastroepiploic Artery : Report of a Case
- Prostaglandin E_1 and a serine protease inhibitor protect the gastric microcirculation and increase the gastric acid secretion after thermal injury
- Possible chemoresistance-related genes for gastric cancer detected by cDNA microarray
- Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitor, Marimastat, Decreases Peritoneal Spread of Gastric Carcinoma in Nude Mice
- The Citrus Flavonoid, Nobiletin, Inhibits Peritoneal Dissemination of Human Gastric Carcinoma in SCID Mice
- Nobiletin (citrus flavonoid) inhibits the production of MMP-9 and peritoneal metastasis of gastric carcinoma in SCID mice
- UCN-01 (7-Hydoxystaurosporine) Inhibits in vivo Growth of Human Cancer Cells through Selective Perturbation of G1 Phase Checkpoint Machinery
- UCN-O1 (7-Hydroxystaurosporine) Enhances 5-Fluorouracil Cytotoxicity through Down-regulation of Thymidylate Synthetase Messenger RNA
- Jejunal Limb Obstruction Caused by a Cholesterol Stone 15 Years After a Total Gastrectomy and 20 Years After a Cholecystectomy : Report of a Case
- Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors Treated by Laparoscopic Surgery : Report of Three Cases
- Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase and Messenger RNA Levels in Gastric Cancer: Possible Predictor for Sensitivity to 5-Fluorouracil
- ストレプトゾトシン誘発糖尿病APAハムスターの大動脈における小胞体ストレス
- Astroglial responses against Aβ initially occur in cerebral primary cortical cultures : species differences between rat and cynomolgus monkey
- Immunohistochemical Analysis of Protein Gene Product 9.5, a Ubiquitin Carboxyl-terminal Hydrolase, during Placental and Embryonic Development in the Mouse
- Protective Effects of Probucol Treatment on Pancreatic β-cell Function of SZ-induced Diabetic APA Hamsters
- Characterization of the Testis in Congenitally Ubiquitin Carboxy-Terminal Hydrolase-1 (Uch-L1) Defective (gad) Mice
- Changes in mRNA Expression in Mouse Postnatal Cochlea by Differential Display Method
- The Effect of Probucol on Atherosclerosis in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic-Hyperlipidemic APA Hamsters in Different Stages of Atherosclerosis
- Ursodeoxycholic Acid Therapy Attenuated Expression of Adhesion Molecule in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
- Expression of Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 and Lymphocyte Function-associated Antigen-1 Protein and Messenger RNA in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
- Elevated expression of caveolin-1 at protein and mRNA level in human cirrhotic liver : relation with nitric oxide
- Arteriovenous shunting blood flow is intravitally observed in the stomach after thermal injury in rats
- Cyclin D1 Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits Cell Growth Stimulated by Epidermal Growth Factor and Induces Apoptosis of Gastric Cancer Cells
- Resistant Mechanisms of Anthracyclines-Pirarubicin Might Partly Break through the P-Glycoprotein-Mediated Drug-Resistance of Human Breast Cancer Tissues
- Development of endoscopic surgery for the minimally invasive treatment of digestive and other diseases
- Gene expression in colorectal cancer and in vitro chemosensitivity to 5-fluorouracil: A study of 88 surgical specimens
- Recurrent Pancreatitis Caused by Ampullary Carcinoma and Minor Papilla Adenoma in Familial Polyposis : Report of a Case
- Signet-Ring Cell Carcinoma of the Ampulla of Vater : Report of a Case
- Neoplastic Endocrine Differentiation of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma in a Metastatic Lymph Node : Report of a Case
- Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma with Old Infestation of Schistosoma japonicum : Report of a Case
- Inflammatory Pseudotumor of the Liver Masquerading as Hepatocellular Carcinoma After a Hepatitis B Virus Infection : Report of a Case
- Gallbladder carcinoma with osteoclast-like giant cells
- Expression of Interstitial Collagenase (Matrix Metalloproteinase-1) in Gastric Cancers
- In vivo Antitumor Activity of Hexamethylmelamine against Human Breast, Stomach and Colon Carcinoma Xenografts
- New Endoscopic Treatments for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
- Histopathological Studies of Aortic Dissection in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic APA Hamsters
- Presenilin-2 in the cynomolgus monkey brain : investigation of age-related changes
- Comparative Study on Toxicokinetics of Bisphenol A in F344 Rats, Monkeys (Macaca fascicularis), and Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
- Molecular Evolution Inferred from Immunological Cross-reactivity of Immunoglobulin G among Chiroptera and Closely Related Species
- Spontaneous T-cell-rich B-cell Lymphoma in a Cynomolgus Monkey (Macaca fascicularis)
- Squamous Cell Carinoma of the Oral Cavity in an Infant Cynomolgus Monkey
- Hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm associate with cholecystitis that ruptured into the gallbladder
- A solid pseudopapillary tumor arising from the greater omentum followed by multiple metastases with increasing malignant potential
- Overexpression of leucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor 5 in colorectal cancer
- Chemotherapy-Induced Sclerosing Cholangitis as a Rare Indication for Resection : Report of a Case
- Short-term and long-term outcome of endoluminal gastroplication for the treatment of GERD : the first multicenter trial in Japan
- Standardization of basic skills for laparoscopic liver surgery towards laparoscopic donor hepatectomy
- Pancreatectomy for Pancreatic Cancer with Reference to Combined Resection of the Vessels, Twenty Nine Year Experience by a Single Surgeon
- Sentinel lymph node as a target of molecular diagnosis of lymphatic micrometastasis and local immunoresponse to malignant cells
- Clinical impact of a newly developed capsule endoscope : usefulness of a real-time image viewer for gastric transit abnormality
- Stereoscopic Scintigraphic Imaging of Breast Cancer Sentinel Lymph Nodes
- Anti-tumor effect in an in vivo model by human-derived pancreatic RNase with basic fibroblast growth factor insertional fusion protein through antiangiogenic properties
- Lymphoscintigraphy for the Visualization of Sentinel Lymph Nodes and Body Contour
- The Evolution of Primary Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer Treatment
- The Role of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer Treatment
- Spindle cell carcinoma of the intrahepatic bile duct in a patient with primary sclerosing cholangitis
- c-Jun N-terminal kinase activation during warm hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injuries in a rat model
- Basic Studies on the Application of an Artificial Esophagus Using Cultured Epidermal Cells
- Surgical site infection surveillance after open gastrectomy and risk factors for surgical site infection
- Left trisegmentectomy and combined resection of the inferior vena cava, without reconstruction, for giant cystadenocarcinoma of the liver
- The Influence of Platelets on the Promotion of Invasion by Tumor Cells and Inhibition by Antiplatelet Agents
- Bioartificial liver development from a clinical surgeon's perspective : What is necessary for Japan-originated research?
- Detection of IL-2 Receptor Gene Expression in Peripheral Blood from Renal Transplant Patients
- The Relationship between Urinary Pyridinoline, Deoxypyridinoline and Bone Metastasis in a Rat Breast Cancer Model
- Preoperative evaluation of the chemosensitivity of breast cancer by means of double phase ^Tc-MIBI scintimammography
- An Endoscopic Observation of Intraductal Papillary Lesion
- Frozen-Section-Guided Breast-Conserving Surgery: Inplications of Diagnosis by Frozen Section as a Guide to Determining the Extent of Resection
- A new approach to dynamic graciloplasty
- Conversion of the Rabbit Gracilis Muscle for Transposition as a Neoanal Sphincter by Electrical Stimulation
- Pseudoaneurysm of the Cystic Artery Secondary to Cholecystitis as a Cause of Hemobilia : Report of a Case
- Retrospective analysis of outcome in 63 gallbladder carcinoma patients after radical resection
- Life-threatening bleeding from postbulbar duodenal ulcer saved by emergency transcatheter arterial embolization
- Inhibition of Bone Metastasis from Breast Cancer with Pamidronate Resulting in Reduction of Urinary Pyridinoline and Deoxypyridinoline in a Rat Model
- Evaluation of Bone Metabolic Markers in Breast Cancer with Bone Metastasis
- Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Using Tin Colloid RI and Blue Dye Method
- Single-Step Purification and Characterization of MBP(Maltose Binding Protein)-DnaJ Fusion Protein and Its Utilization for Structure-Function Analysis
- Production of MBP(Maltose Binding Protein)-GroES Fusion Protein and Utilization to Stimulate GroEL-Mediated Protein Refolding
- Changes in mRNA Expression in Mouse Postnatal Cochlea by Differential Display Method
- Cryopreservation of Brain Tissue for Primary Culture
- Ultrastructure of the Dorsal Skins of Hairless Descendants Derived from Mexican Hairless Dogs
- Dermal Histology of Hairless Rat Derived from Wistar Strain
- Adenosquamous Carcinoma of the Sigmoid Colon Treated by the Less Invasive Procedures of Endoscopy and Laparoscopy : Report of a Case
- Evaluation of Clinical Efficacy of Maeda's Nomogram for Vancomycin Dosage Adjustment in Adult Japanese MRSA Pneumonia Patients
- フェロセン修飾クラウンエ-テルを用いたカリウム塩の電析
- Regulatory Role of C-Terminal Residues of SUlA in Its Degradation by Lon Protease in Escherichia coli
- マウスノロウイルスS7株に対する特異抗体を検出するための間接ELISA法および間接蛍光抗体法