Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) for multiple metastatic brain tumors : effects of the number of target tumors on exposure dose in normal brain tissues
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-10-01
Takagaki Masao
Department Of Radiology Osaka Medical College
KUROIWA Toshihiko
Department of Neurosurgery, Osaka Medical College
Department of Radiology, Osaka Medical College
Department of Radiology, Osaka Medical College
猪俣 泰典
高知医科大学 泌尿器科
Narabayashi Isamu
Department Of Radiology Osaka Medical College
Kuroiwa Toshihiko
Department Of Neuropathology Graduate School Of Medicine Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Department of Radiology, Osaka Medical College
Uesugi Yasuo
Department Of Radiology Osaka Medical College
TATSUMI Toshiaki
Department of Radiology, Osaka Medical College
Narabayashi Isamu
Departinent Of Radiologv Osaka Medical College
Takahashi Masatsugu
Department Of Radiology Osaka Medical College
Tatsumi Toshiaki
Department Of Radiology Osaka Medical College
Inomata Taisuke
Department Of Radiology Osaka Medical College
Inomata Taisuke
Department Of Radiology Kochi Medical School
- 446 大腸癌の術中照射療法(第42回日本消化器外科学会総会)
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- Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) for multiple metastatic brain tumors: effects of the number of target tumors on exposure dose in normal brain tissues (ナノ・サブマイクロ技術を用いた模擬/人工生体組織の創製と新診断・治療法の開発プロジェクト)
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