Tooth Pulpal Nociceptors in the Rat Lower Incisor, An In vitro Study
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1998-07-31
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciece, Konan University
Toda Kazuo
Section Of Cognitive Neurobiology Department Of Maxillofacial Biology Graduate School Tokyo Medical
Toda Kazuo
Department Of Physiology Nagasaki University School Of Dentistry
Soma K
Orthodontic Science Department Of Orofacial Development And Function Division Of Oral Health Science
Ishii Noribumi
Orthodontic Science Department Of Orofacial Development And Function Division Of Oral Health Science
SEKI Yoichiro
Department of Physiology Faculty of Dentistry, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
ISHII Noribumi
Department of Physiology Faculty of Dentistry, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
SOMA Kunimichi
1st Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Seki Yoichiro
Orthodontic Science Department Of Orofacial Development And Function Division Of Oral Health Science
Soma K
Orthodontic Science Department Of Orofacial Development And Function Division Of Oral Health Science
Ishii Noribumi
Orthodontic Science Department Of Orofacial Development And Function Division Of Oral Health Science
Nakamura Yoshio
Department Of Artificial Kidney Matsushita Memorial Hospital
Nakamura Yoshio
Department Od Metallurgical Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Toda Kazuo
Nagasaki Univ. Nagasaki Jpn
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