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- 1995-09-01
服部 薫
長友 孝文
長友 孝文
佐々木 佳子
丸山 恵子
丸山 恵子
長友 孝文
細機 好章
服部 薫
細機 好章
Kaoru Hattori
Department Of Pharmacology Niigata College Of Pharmacy
- P1-518 閉塞性動脈硬化症と高脂血症を併発した患者に対するイコサペント酸エチル(EPA)の降圧効果(一般演題 ポスター発表,薬物療法(その他),医療薬学の創る未来 科学と臨床の融合)
- 0478 心不全モデルラットにおける脂肪酸代謝について
- 0437 拡張型心筋症様心不全ラットにおけるカルベジロールの効果
- Constitutively Active Mutant N111G of Angiotensin II Type 1 (AT_1) Receptor Induces Homologous Internalization Through Mediation of AT_1-Receptor Antagonist
- 0761 血管内皮CD36欠損と心疾患について
- 0230 ^I-BMIPP心集積とCD36欠損について
- I 型, II 型 CD36 欠損症と ^I-BMIPP 心筋無集積について
- Cardiomyopathic Hamster Hearts : Long-Term Effects of Drugs on Catecholamine Contents and Binding Characteristics of α_1- and β_1-Adrenergic Receptors
- Alterations of Binding Characteristics of α_1-, β_1-Adrenoceptors and Ca^ Binding Sites in the Myocardium of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR) by Chronically Administered Bunazosin, Atenolol, Ketanserin and Verapamil
- Assessment of Binding Affinity to 5-Hydroxytryptamine 2A (5-HT_) Receptor and Inverse Agonist Activity of Naftidrofuryl : Comparison With Those of Sarpogrelate
- Binding Characteristics of [^3H] Dihydroalprenolol to β-Adrenergic Receptors of Rat Brain : Comparison with Those of Rat Heart Treated with Neuraminidase
- 新規5-HT_2アンタゴニストであるサルポグレラートのヒト5-HT_、5-HT_および5-HT_受容体サブタイプへの結合部位および選択性の分子モデル法による同定(発表論文抄録(2004))
- サルポグレラートと5-HT_2受容体 (5-HT_, 5-HT_および5-HT_) との相互作用部位のモレキュラーモデリング
- SII-2. 交感神経β受容体の薬物結合様式 : Molecular modelingによる解析 (薬物受容体・情報伝達の分子機構と分子治療学)
- アドレナリン性β受容体の三次元構造およびアンタゴニストの結合様式の推定 (第27回薬物活性シンポジウム講演要旨集)
- 分子設計システムによるβ-遮断薬とβ_3-アドレナリン性受容体サブタイプとの相互作用部位の解析
- Effects of Ketanserin and 3-[2-[4-(o-Methoxyphenyl)-1-piperazinyl]ethyl]-2,4(1H, 3H)-quinazolinedione Monohydrochloride (SGB-1534), Anti-hypertensive Agents, on ^3H-Serotonin and ^3H^Ketanserin Bindings to Serotonergic (5HT_1 and 5HT_2) Receptors in Dog B
- Effect of 3-[2-[4-(o-Methoxyphenyl)-1-piperazinyl]ethyl]-2,4(1H, 3H)-quinazolinedione Monohydrochloride (SGB-1534), an Anthihypertensive Agent, on ^3H-Prazosin and ^3H-p-Aminoclonidine Binding to α_1-and α_2-Adrenoceptors in Dog Brain and Arta
- Effects of Choline and Inositol on ^3H-Dihydroalprenolol and ^I-Iodocyanopindolol Bindings to β-Adrenegic Receptors of the Guinea Pig Cerebral Cortical Membranes
- Characterization of ^3H-Dihydroalprenolol Binding to β-Adrenergic Receptors of Rat Brain : Two Binding Sites of Racemic Propranolol in Displacement Experiments(Pharmacological)
- Biphasic Binding of ^I-Iodocyanopindolol to β-Adrenergic Receptors in Rat Cerebral Cortical Membranes. I. Assessment by the Use of Agonists(Pharmacological)
- Adrenergic and Serotonergic Receptor-Blocking Potencies of Terazosin, a New Antihypertensive Agent, as Assessed by Radioligand Binding Assay(Pharmacological)
- P2-504 イコサペント酸エチル(EPA)製剤投与による3疾患(閉塞性動脈硬化症、高脂血症、両疾患併発)に対する降圧効果の比較(一般演題 ポスター発表,薬物療法(その他),臨床から学び臨床へと還元する医療薬学)
- Relationship between binding affinities and functional potencies of several 5-HT_2 receptor antagonists
- Mutation of Important Amino Acid Residue of Asp104Lys in Human β_1-Adrenergic Receptor Triggers Functional and Constitutive Inactivation(Pharmacology)
- Identification of a Key Amino Acid of the Human 5-HT_ Serotonin Receptor Important for Sarpogrelate Binding
- Selectivity of Sarpogrelate to the Recombinant Human 5-HT_ Receptors as Assessed by Molecular Pharmacology and Molecular Modeling
- Inverse Agonist Activity of Sarpogrelate, a Selective 5-HT_-Receptor Antagonist, at the Constitutively Active Human 5-HT_ Receptor
- Assessment of Affinities and Dissociation Potencies of Several 5-HT_2 Antagonists to and from M_2 Muscarinic Receptor in Rat Heart Membranes(Pharmacology)
- Molecular modeling of the interaction of sarpogrelate and human 5-HT_, 5-HT_ and 5-HT_ receptor subtypes
- Sarpogrelate: Pharmacological Basis and Molecular Findings of the Interaction Sites of Human 5-HT_2 Receptor Family
- 創薬と受容体-受容体研究の新しいアプローチをふまえて
- βアドレナリン受容体遮断薬の分子薬理
- NPYの摂食制御機構とNPY-Y5受容体ノックアウトマウス
- Internalization of Constitutively Active N111G Mutant of AT1 Receptor Induced by Angiotensin II–Receptor Antagonists Candesartan, Losartan, and Telmisartan: Comparison With Valsartan
- Mutational Analysis of the α_-Adrenergic Receptor Binding Pocket of Antagonists by Radioligand Binding Assay(Pharmacology)
- Amino Acids of the Human α_-Adrenergic Receptor Involved in Antagonist Binding
- Asp125 and Thr130 in Transmembrane Domain 3 Are Major Sites of α_-Adrenergic Receptor Antagonist Binding(Pharmacology)
- Differential Inhibition by Oxygen Radicals of Vasoactive Amines-Induced Contractions in the Porcine Coronary Artery(Pharmacology)
- Beta-Blockers Show Inverse Agonism to a Novel Constitutively Active Mutant of β_1-Adrenoceptor
- Pharmacological and Molecular Characterization of Novel SWR-Compounds for β-Adrenergic Receptors as assessed by Molecular Modeling, Site-Directed Mutagenesis, Binding Affinity and Functional Activity
- Identification of Amino Acid Residues Important for Sarpogrelate Binding to the Human 5-Hydroxytryptamine_ Serotonin Receptor
- Site-Directed Mutagenesis of the Serotonin 5-Hydroxytryptamine_ Receptor : Identification of Amino Acids Responsible for Sarpogrelate Binding(Pharmacology)
- Effects of Sarpogrelate, a Novel 5-HT_2 Antagonist, on 5-HT-Induced Endothelium-Dependent Relaxations in Porcine Coronary Artery
- Assessment of Affinity and Dissociation Ability of a Newly Synthesized 5-HT_2 Antagonist, AT-1015: Comparison With Other 5-HT_2 Antagonists
- Binding Affinity of a Newly Synthesized 5-HT_2 Antagonist, AT-1015(N-[2-[4-(5H-Dibenzo[a, d]cyclohepten-5-ylidene)-piperidino]ethyl]-1-formyl-4-piperidinecarboxamide Monohydrochloride Monohydrate), in the Rabbit Platelet Membrane
- 結合実験法によるウシ前立腺におけるα_1-アドレナリン性受容体サブタイプ性状の解析
- 応用薬理研究会40周年創設記念に寄せて
- O-5. α_アドレナリン受容体の分子薬理学的機能解析(第47回日本平滑筋学会総会)
- 5-HT_アンタゴニスト"サルポグレラート"の分子薬理
- 米国のグラントシステム
- ボピンドロール投与による高血圧自然発症ラット(SHR)の心筋α_1-及びβ-受容体の性状変化に関する研究
- The Affinity of Bopindolol and Its Two Metabolites for a β_2-Adrenoceptor in the Bovine Mesenteric Artery
- Comparison of Displacemental Potencies of Terazosin Enantiomers for α_1-Adrenoceptor Subtypes
- 持続性β-遮断薬ボピンドロールの薬理学的特性
- Bopindolol Is a Slowly Dissociating β_1-Adrenoceptor Antagonist When Compared to Other β-Blockers
- β-Adrenoceptors: Three-Dimensional Structures and Binding Sites for Ligands
- Inhibitory Effects of a Newly Synthesized 5-HT_2 Receptor Antagonist, AT-1015 (N-[2-[4-(5H-Dibenzo[a, d]cyclohepten-5-ylidene)piperidino]-ethyl]-1-formyl-4-piperidinecarboxamide Monohydrochloride Monohydrate), on Contraction and Relaxation of Pig Coronary
- Different Effects of a Long-term Administration of β-blockers,Bopindolol and Atenolol, on the Binding Characteristics ofβ_1-and β_2-adrenoceptor Subtypes in the Kidney of SpontaneouslyHypertensive Rats (SHR)
- アドレナリン性β受容体の三次元構造およびアンタゴニストの結合様式の推定
- ヒト前立腺における交感神経α1-受容体subtypes : α1-High, lowとcloned α1-a/d, b, cの比較
- Engineered Mutation of Some Important Amino Acids in Angiotensin II Type 1 (AT_1) Receptor Increases the Binding Affinity of AT_1-Receptor Antagonists
- Internalization of Constitutively Active N111G Mutant of AT_1 Receptor Induced by Angiotensin II-Receptor Antagonists Candesartan, Losartan, and Telmisartan : Comparison With Valsartan
- カンデサルタン服用高血圧症患者の血漿脳ナトリウム利尿ペプチド(BNP)量の変化におよぼすユビデカレノン (CoQ_) の併用効果
- 閉塞性慢性動脈硬化症, 高脂血症および両疾患を併発した患者に対するイコサペント酸エチル(EPA)製剤投与による降圧効果の比較
- Effect of Site-directed Mutagenesis in Some Important Amino Acids of AT_1 Receptor on the Binding Affinity of the Agonist and Antagonists
- カンデサルタン服用高血圧症患者に対するユビデカレノン(CoQ_)の併用効果
- Selectivity of Valsartan to the Human Angiotensin II Type One Receptors as Assessed by Binding Affinity, Functional Activity and Molecular Modeling
- Pharmacological and Molecular Studies for the Regulation of β_1-Adrenergic Receptors that Reveals Activation and Inactivation
- リガンド結合の解析法