Cardiomyopathic Hamster Hearts : Long-Term Effects of Drugs on Catecholamine Contents and Binding Characteristics of α_1- and β_1-Adrenergic Receptors
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Changes were examined in myocardial catecholamine content and α_1- and β_1-adrenoceptors during the development of cardiomyopathy in Syrian hamsters (Bio 14.6) and age-matched healty controls. In addition, the effects of bunazosin, atenolol, xamoterol, ketanserin, and verapamil on the catecholamine content and [^3H]prazosin, [^3H]CGP12177 bindings to α_1- and β_1-adrenergic receptors of myocardium were compared with those of the controls. (1) Lower norepinephrine and dopamine levels were observed in 35-week-old cardiomyopathic hamster hearts than in the controls. There was, however, a tendency for a slight decrease of α_1- and β_1-adrenoceptors in cardiomyopathic hamsters. (2) Administration of bunazosin induced lower dopamine values in 18-week-old cardiomyopathic hamsters. (3) Xamoterol induced a higher K_d value for β_1-adrenoceptors and lower dopamine content than for those with cardiomyopathy. Ketanserin also induced a higher B_<max> value than for cardiomyopathy. Thus, drug treatments clearly change catecholamine content and binding characteristics of the adrenoceptors which play an important role in the development of cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1993-07-15
渡辺 賢一
若林 広行
若林 広行
渡辺 賢一
Division of Cardiovascular Research Laboratories, Tsubame Rosai Hospital
柴田 昭
1st Department of Internal Medicine, Niigata University School of Medicine
若林 広行
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Niigata College of Pharmacy
嶋田 健次
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Niigata College of Pharmacy
佐々木 佳子
Department of Pharmacology, Niigata College of Pharmacy
長友 孝文
Department of Pharmacology, Niigata College of Pharmacy
長友 孝文
嶋田 健次
嶋田 健次
Department Of Analytical Chemistry Niigata College Of Pharmacy
佐々木 佳子
嶋田 健次
Shimada K
Niigata Univ. Pharmacy And Applied Life Sci. Niigata Jpn
長友 孝文
嶋田 健次
長友 孝文
Department Of Pharmacology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Niigata University Of Pharmacy And App
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