Recombinant E1-Deleted Adenoviral Vectors Induce Apoptosis in a Rat Airway Epithelial Mucous Goblet Cell Line
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Replication-defective adenoviruses (Ad) are used as vectors for delivering therapeutic genes to human airway cells. We examined whether E1-deleted Ad vectors (Ad5-CMV-LacZ) had effects on cell kinetics in SPOC1 cells, which is a rat airway epithelial mucous goblet cell line. There was a vector multiplicity of infection (moi)-dependent increase of the transduction efficiency of the LacZ reporter gene in SPOC cells. Cell proliferation was inhibited in the vector-infected cells compared with that in vehicleexposed cells. However, increased cell death was observed in the vector-infected cells with a higher moi. The morphology of vector-exposed cells revealed apoptotic features including nuclear condensation and a fragmented nucleus. These results indicate that higher moi of vectors allows the cells to achieve higher gene transfer, but also induce apoptosis of infected cells. Minimizing the induction of apoptosis of vectorinfected cells may be an important strategy for the prolongation of transduction efficiency of Ad vectors in airway epithelial mucous goblet cells.
- 社団法人 日本薬理学会の論文
OUCHI Yasuyoshi
Department of Geriatric Medicine, University of Tokyo
松瀬 健
The Department Of Pulmonary Medicine Yokohama City University Medical Center
Matsui Hirotoshi
Department of Respiratory Diseases, National Hospital Organization Tokyo National Hospital
NAGASE Takahide
Department of Geriatric Medicine, University of Tokyo Hospital
Department of Geriatric Medicine, University of Tokyo Hospital
Ishii Toshiaki
岐阜大学 大学院連合獣医学研究科病態獣医学連合講座
Ishii Toshiaki
Department Of Pathogenetic Veterinary Science The United Graduate School Of Veterinary Sciences Gifu
Ishii Toshiaki
Department Of Pathobiological Science Obihiro University Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine
Department of Internal Medicine, San-no Hospital
Department of Geriatric Medicine, Tokyo University Hospital
OHGA Eijiro
Department of Geriatric Medicine, Tokyo University Hospital
Teramoto Shinji
The Department Of Geriatric Medicine The University Of Tokyo Hospital
Teramoto Shinji
Department Of Geriatric Medicine Graduate School Of Medicine The University Of Tokyo
Ouchi Yasuyoshi
Department Of Geriatric Medicine University Of Tokyo Hospital
Ouchi Yasuyoshi
Department Of Geriatric Medicine Faculty Of Medicine The University Of Tokyo
Matsui Hirotoshi
Department Of Geriatric Medicine University Of Tokyo Hospital
Ohga Eijiro
Department Of Geriatric Medicine Tokyo University Hospital
Ishii T
The Department Of Pulmonary Medicine Yokohama City University Medical Center
Matsui Hidenori
Laboratory Of Infectious Diseases And Immunology
Ouchi Yasuyoshi
Department Of Geriatrics Faculty Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
Matsuse Takeshi
Department Of Geriatric Medicine University Of Tokyo Hospital
Nagase Takahide
Department Of Geriatric Medicine University Of Tokyo Hospital
Nagase Takahide
Department Of Geriatric Medicine Graduate School Of Medicine The University Of Tokyo
National Hospital Organization Tokyo Hospital
Ouchi Yasuyoshi
Department Of Biostatistics Epidemiology And Preventive Health Sciences The University Of Tokyo
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