Hyperthyroidism Presenting as Dysphagia
木村 哲
KIMURA Satoshi
Department of Metabolic Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
Ishibashi Shun
The Department Of Diabetes And Metabolism Faculty Of Medicine Tokyo University
NOTO Hiroshi
the Department of Diabetes and Metabolism, Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo University
the Department of Diabetes and Metabolism, Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo University
KIMURA Satoshi
the Department of Diabetes and Metabolism, Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo University
Noto Hiroshi
The Department Of Diabetes And Metabolism Faculty Of Medicine Tokyo University
Mitsuhashi Tomoaki
The Department Of Diabetes And Metabolism Faculty Of Medicine Tokyo University
Kimura Satoshi
First Department Of Internal Medicine University Of Tokyo School Of Medicine
Kimura Satoshi
The Department Of Diabetes And Metabolism Faculty Of Medicine Tokyo University
Kimura Satoshi
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Faculty Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
木村 哲
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