Synthesis of Cyclotetragermanes of the Type of [R(Ph)Ge]_4 and Conversion to [R(Cl)Ge]_4. The First Functionalized Cyclotetragemanes
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1992-09-05
Naito Hiroyoshi
Department Of Physics And Electronics University Of Osaka Prefecture
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Tohoku University
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Tohoku University
Yatabe Tetsuo
Department Of Chemistry And Organosilicon Research Laboratory
Naito Hiroyoshi
Department Of Chemistry And Organosilicon Research Laboratory
KUBOTA Chizuko
Department of Chemistry and Organosilicon Research Laboratory
Sekiguchi Akira
Department Of Chemistry And Organosilicon Research Laboratory
Sakurai Hideki
Department Of Chemistiy Faculty Of Science Tohoku University
Sakurai Hideki
Department Of Chemistry And Organosilicon Research Laboratory
NAITO Hiroyoshi
Department of Anatomy, Tokyo Dental College
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