Use of Water-Based Solvent Preparations in Factories in Japan
Kyoto Industrial Health Association
Okamoto S
Ntt Network Innovation Lab. Yokosuka‐shi Jpn
Ikeda Masayuki
Kyoto Industrial Health Assoc.
Ikeda M
Kyoto Industrial Health Assoc. Kyoto Jpn
Kyoto Industrial Health Association
Kyoto Industrial Health Association
Kyoto Industrial Health Association
INUI Shunen
Kyoto Industrial Health Association
Inui S
Kyoto Industrial Health Assoc.
Takada Shiro
Kyoto Industrial Health Assoc.
Ukai Hirohiko
Kyoto Industrial Health Assoc.
Ukai H
Kyoto Industrial Health Assoc.
- Effects of Life Away from Home and Physical Exercise on Nutrient Intake and Blood/Serum Parameters among Girl Students in Japan
- Number of Dishes as an Indicator of Nutrient Intake in China
- Lead and Cadmium Levels in the Atmosphere in Mainland China : A review
- Total Food Duplicate Study on Nutrient Intake of Working Women in Manila, the Philippines
- Urban-Rural Difference in Cereal Consumption by People in Shandong Province, China
- Urban-Rural Comparison of Nutrient Intake by Adult Women in Shandong Province, China
- Nutritional Evaluation of Women in Urban Areas in Continental China
- Nutritional Evaluation of Chinese Working Women in the City of Tainan, Taiwan
- Nutritional Evaluation of Women in Urban and Rural Areas in Korea as Studied by Total Food Duplicate Method
- Shift in Sodium Chloride Sources in Past 10 Years of Salt Reduction Campaign in Japan
- Nutritional Evaluation of Working Malay Women in Kuala Lumpur as Studied by Total Food Duplicate Method
- Chronological Changes and Inter-Regional Differences in Dietary Fiber Intakes among Middle-Aged Japanese Women
- Dietary Intake of Water-Soluble, Water-Insoluble and Total Fiber by General Japanese Populations at Middle Ages
- The Effects of a Health Promotion Program on Body Mass Index
- Past, present, and future of environmental specimen banks
- Disappearance of Differences in Nutrient Intake Across Two Local Cultures in Japan : A Comparison between Tokyo and Kyoto
- Paradoxical increases in serum levels of highly chlorinated PCBs in aged women in clear contrast to robust decreases in dietary intakes from 1980 to 2003 in Japan
- Secular Trends and Geographical Variations in the Dietary Intake of Polybrominated biphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) Using Archived Samples from the Early 1980s and Mid 1990s in Japan
- Food Composition Table-Based Estimation of Energy and Major Nutrient Intake in Comparison with Chemical Analysis : A Validation Study in Korea
- Estimation of Nutrient Intake by the New Version of Japanese Food Composition Tables in Comparison with That by the Previous Version
- Robust IP Backbone Network Utilizing WDM Optical Paths (Joint Special Issue on Recent Progress in Optoelectronics and Communications)
- Flexible OADM Architecture and Its Impact on WDM Ring Evolution for Robust and Large-Scale Optical Transport Networks (Joint Special Issue on Recent Progress in Optoelectronics and Communications)
- Robust IP Backbone Network Utilizing WDM Optical Paths (Joint Special Issue on Recent Progress in Optoelectronics and Communications)
- Flexible OADM Architecture and Its Impact on WDM Ring Evolution for Robust and Large-Scale Optical Transport Networks (Joint Special Issue on Recent Progress in Optoelectronics and Communications)
- Design and Performance of Delivery and Coupling Switch Board for Large Scale Optical Path Cross-Connect System
- Optical Path Cross-Connect Node Architecture Offering High Modularity for Virtual Wavelength Paths
- Growth Reacceleration of School Children in the City of Sendai, Japan
- The Threshold Cadmium Level That Causes a Substantial Increase in β_2-Microglobulin in Urine of General Populations
- Effects of Iron-Deficiency Anemia on Cadmium Uptake or Kidney Dysfunction Are Essentially Nil among Women in General Population in Japan
- Validation of urine density correction in cases of hippuric acid and un-metabolized toluene in urine of workers exposed to toluene
- Stability in Urine of Authentic Phenylglyoxylic and Mandelic Acids as Urinary Markers of Occupational Exposure to Styrene
- Use of Water-Based Solvent Preparations in Factories in Japan
- A New Optical Path Cross-Connect System Architecture Utilizing Delivery and Coupling Matrix Switch
- Technical achievements for experimental exposure of laboratory animals to dusts and aerosols
- Limited validity of o-cresol and benzylmercapturic acid in urine as biomarkers of occupational exposure to toluene at low levels
- Lower Vapor Concentrations in Solvent Workplaces in Larger-Scale Enterprises than in Smaller-Scale Enterprises, and Exceptions
- Body Constitution of Young Male Workers in Kyoto, Japan in the World War II Period
- Organic solvent use in enterprises in Japan
- Organic solvent use in research institutions in Japan
- Correlation of light transmittance with asthma attack : fine water particles as a possible inducing factor of asthma