Three-dimensional Measurement of Marangoni Convection in a liquid bridge under Microgravity Conditions in the TR-IA-4 Sounding Rocket (特集 TR-IA4号機)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会の論文
- 1997-02-07
Nakamura T
National Space Dev. Agency Of Japan
Nakamura T
Space Utilization Research Center National Space Development Agency Of Japan
National Space Development Agency of Japan
Japan Space Utilization Promotion Center
Nissan Motor Co. Ltd.
TAMAOKI Hidehiko
Nissan Motor Co. Ltd.
YODA Shinichi
National Space Development Agency of Japan
Science University of Tokyo
SAITA Koumei
Science University of Tokyo
Yokohama National University
Yokohama National University
Yoda S
National Space Dev. Agency Of Japan Ibaraki Jpn
Yoda Shinichi
Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
YODA Shin-ichi
Kawamura H
Sci. Univ. Tokyo
Yoda Shinichi
National Space Davelopment Agency Of Japan
Yoda Shinichi
Space Utilization Research Center National Space Development Agency Of Japan
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- Brazing Experiment under Microgravity
- Experimental Study on Combustion of Monodispersed and Mono-sized Sprays by Using the Fifth TR-IA Rocket
- Three-dimensional Measurement of Marangoni Convection in a liquid bridge under Microgravity Conditions in the TR-IA-4 Sounding Rocket (特集 TR-IA4号機)
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- Liquid Diffusion Measurement of Pb1-xSnxTe Using TR-IA-4 Sounding Rocket (特集 TR-IA4号機)
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- Increase of Si
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- Growth of SiGe Crystals by the Traveling Liquidus Zone (TLZ) Method : Preliminary Experiments on the Ground