Measurement of the Effective Neutron Capture Cross Section of Cesium-134 by Triple Neutron Capture Reaction Method
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The measurement of effective neutron capture cross section(σ) of 134Cs was carried out with a method using a triple neutron capture reaction, 133Cs(n, γ)134Cs(n, γ)135Cs(n, γ)136Cs. The target used for the experiment was natural cesium (133Cs), and was irradiated for 23 days and 17 hours in the reactor JRR-3 at Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI). The neutron field of the reactor was monitored by Au/Al and Co/Al alloy wires. A high purity Ge detector was employed for the measurement of γ-rays from the irradiated target and monitor wires. Gamma-rays emitted in the decay of 134Cs and 136Cs nuclides induced by single and triple neutron capture reactions of 133Cs were seen at the energies of 563, 569, 605, 796, 802, 819, 1, 1039, 1, 1048, 1, 168 and 1, 235 keV. Decays of the 819 and the 1, 048 keV γ-ray intensities were followed; it was confirmed that these γ-rays originated in the 136Ba, the decay product of 136Cs. Data obtained were analyzed with values of neutron capture cross sections of 133Cs and 135Cs. The σ of 134Cs obtained is 140.6±8.5 barns and agrees with the value measured by Bayly et al. with a mass analysis method within the limits of error.
- 社団法人 日本原子力学会の論文
- 1999-08-25
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Hatsukawa Yuichi
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Motoishi Shoji
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Katoh Toshio
Nagoya University
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Hatsukawa Y
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
KATOH Toshio
Tokai Works, Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
Tokai Works, Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
Tokai Works, Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
HATA Kentaro
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
KOBAYASHI Katsutoshi
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
TANASE Masakazu
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Katsuhei Kobayashi
Research Reactor Institute Kyoto University
Kobayashi Katsuhei
Research Reactor Institute Kyoto University
Nakamura Shoji
Nuclear Sci. And Engineering Directorate Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Shinohara N
Japan Atomic Energy Res. Inst. Ibaraki‐ken
Katabuchi Tatsuya
Research Laboratory For Nuclear Reactors Tokyo Institute Of Technology
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