Non-Destructive and Destructive Measurements on Burnup Characteristics of Japan Power Demonstration Reactor-I Full-Core Fuel Assemblies
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A non-destructive r-ray spectrometry technique was applied to 72 spent fuel assemblies discharged from the Japan Power Demonstration Reactor-I. The assemblies were dissolved at the Tokai Reprocessing Plant, and 19 batch-samples taken out of the dissolver vessels were subjected to detailed chemical analysis. <BR>Burnups and Pu/U atom ratios were obtained from the non-destructively measured "Cs activities and the 134Cs/37Cs activity ratios, respectively, by making reference to the correlations established in an experiment on fuel rods of a typical assembly in the core. The results were compared with those from chemical analysis, and a good agreement was found between the values obtained from the respective methods. A small deviation observed partly in the correlations was discussed in terms of the variation of spatial distribution of the fission-product activities in the individual assemblies. <BR>Capability for the non-destructive method to estimate amounts of transuranium nuclides other than Pu was also discussed.
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
KOHNO Nobuaki
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Ohno Akio
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokaimura, Tharaki-ken.
TSURUTA Harumichi
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corp.
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
SUZAKI Takenori
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
SONOBE Tamotsu
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
UMEZAWA Hirokazu
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corp.
Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corp.
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
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