A Method of Reactor Physics Measurement with the Use of an Expanded System
Fujita Yoshiaki
Research Reactor Institute Kyoto University
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokaimura, Tharaki-ken.
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Chubu Electric Power Co. Ltd.,
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
- Measurements of Neutron-induced Fission Cross Section of Protactinium-231 from 0. 1eV to 10keV with Lead Slowing-down Spectrometer and at 0. 0253eV with Thermal Neutron Facility
- Measurements of Neutron-induced Fission Cross Section of Americium-243 from Thermal Neutron Energy to 15keV Using Lead Slowing-down Spectrometer and Thermal Neutron Facility
- Projected-Range Straggling of 4- to 24-MeV Electrons in Elemental Materials
- Measurement of Neutron Capture Cross Section of ^Np by Linac Time-of-Flight Method and with Linac-driven Lead Slowing-down Spectrometer
- Application of BGO Scintillators to Absolute Measurement of Neutron Capture Cross Sections between 0. 01 eV and 10 eV
- Non-Destructive and Destructive Measurements on Burnup Characteristics of Japan Power Demonstration Reactor-I Full-Core Fuel Assemblies
- Measurement of nuclear inelastic scattering cross section of thorium-232 for 144 keV Si-filtered neurons.
- Measurements of thermal disadvantage factors in light-water moderated PuO2-UO2 and UO2 lattices.
- Measurement of neutron capture cross sections with Fe-filtered beam.
- Precision Neutron Total Cross Section Measurements Near 24 keV
- Measurement of relationship between Doppler and self-shielding effects in thorium-232 by 24 keV neutrons.
- Measurement of Fission Cross Section of Neptunium-237 in Resonance Region with Electron Linac-Driven Lead Spectrometer.
- Measurement of Thermal Utilization Factor in a Square Cell of UO2-H20 Lattice
- Neutron capture cross section measurements of Nb-93, I-127, Ho-165, Ta-181 and U-238 between 3.2 and 80keV.
- Critical experiments on light-water moderated PuO2-UO2 lattices.
- A Method of Reactor Physics Measurement with the Use of an Expanded System
- Theoretical Analysis on Time-Dependent Energy Spectra of Neutrons in a Small Graphite Assembly
- Measurements of Time Dependent Energy Spectra of Neutrons in a Small Graphite Assembly
- Estimation of fuel channel inlet flow rate by noise analysis.
- Measurement of neutron capture cross section of thorium-232 from 1 keV to 408 keV.
- Measurement of neutron total cross section of silicon at 146- and 53.5-keV windows.
- Measurements of time-dependent neutron spectra from low-temperature ice block.
- Profiles of activity ratios of fission products, cesium-134, cesium-137 and ruthenium-106 in low-enriched PuO2-UO2 fuel assemblies.
- Calculational study of time-dependent neutron spectra in ice at low temperature.