Neutron capture cross section measurements of Nb-93, I-127, Ho-165, Ta-181 and U-238 between 3.2 and 80keV.
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The neutron capture cross sections of <SUP>93</SUP>Nb, <SUP>127</SUP>I, <SUP>165</SUP>Ho, <SUP>181</SUP>Ta and <SUP>238</SUP>U were measured from 3.2 to 80keV using the time-of-flight method. The neutron beam was produced by the KURRI 46-MeV linear accelerator and capture γ-rays were detected by a C<SUB>6</SUB>F<SUB>6</SUB> or C<SUB>6</SUB>D<SUB>6</SUB> liquid scintillation detector. As the result of the use of a direct-coupled operational pre-amplifier, the detector recovered rapidly from the γ-flash such that data for higher energy neutrons can be obtained in spite of the short flight path of 11.7m. The neutron sensi-tivities of both detectors are compared and the superiority of the C<SUB>6</SUB>D<SUB>6</SUB> detector is shown.<BR>The experimental results of capture cross sections, corrected for resonance self-shield-ing and multiple scattering and normalized to the 24-keV absolute values, are shown numerically and graphically, and compared with other data. The agreement between the data is fairly good for <SUP>165</SUP>Ho and <SUP>238</SUP>U, but not for <SUP>93</SUP>Nb, <SUP>127</SUP>I and <SUP>181</SUP>Ta. The discrepancy between the data may be caused by the difference of the reference cross sections used for each experiment.
- 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会の論文
Fujita Yoshiaki
Research Reactor Institute Kyoto University
Yamamuro Nobuhiro
Research Laboratory For Nuclear Reactors Tokyo Instittute Of Technology
Kobayashi Katsuhei
Research Reactor Institute Kyoto Uninversity
Wada Takashi
Research Team For Insect And Nematode Management National Agricultural Research Center For Kyushu Ok
SAITO Kimiaki
Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology
EMOTO Takashi
Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology
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