Nakamura Shoji | Nuclear Sci. And Engineering Directorate Japan Atomic Energy Agency
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- 同名の論文著者
- Nuclear Sci. And Engineering Directorate Japan Atomic Energy Agencyの論文著者
Nakamura Shoji
Nuclear Sci. And Engineering Directorate Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Nakamura Shoji
Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
Katoh Toshio
Nagoya University
Katabuchi Tatsuya
Research Laboratory For Nuclear Reactors Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Harada H
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Furutaka Kazuyoshi
Nuclear Sci. And Engineering Directorate Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Furutaka Kazuyoshi
Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
Fujii Toshiyuki
Research Reactor Institute Kyoto University
Tokai Works, Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
- Thermal Neutron Capture Cross Sections of Zirconium-91 and Zirconium-93 by Prompt γ-ray Spectroscopy
- Measurement of the Effective Neutron Capture Cross Section of Cesium-134 by Triple Neutron Capture Reaction Method
- Measurement of Thermal Neutron Cross Section and Resonance Integral of the Reaction ^Cs (n, γ) ^Cs
- Measurement of Neutron Capture Cross Section of ^Np from 0.02 to 100eV
- Thermal-Neutron Capture Cross Section and Resonance Integral of Americium-241
- Emission Probabilities of Gamma Rays from the Decay of 233Pa and 238Np, and the Thermal Neutron Capture Cross Section of 237Np
- Thermal Neutron Capture Cross Section of Palladium-107
- Cross Section of Thermal-Neutron Capture Reaction by ^Tc
- Measurements of Neutron Capture Cross Section of ^Np for Fast Neutrons
- Measurement of Neutron Capture Cross Section Ratios of ^Cm Resonances Using NNRI