Furutaka Kazuyoshi | Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
Furutaka Kazuyoshi
Nuclear Sci. And Engineering Directorate Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Furutaka Kazuyoshi
Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Nakamura Shoji
Nuclear Sci. And Engineering Directorate Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Nakamura Shoji
Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
Harada H
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Katoh Toshio
Nagoya University
Katabuchi Tatsuya
Research Laboratory For Nuclear Reactors Tokyo Institute Of Technology
FURUTAKA Kazuyoshi
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Fujii Toshiyuki
Res. Reactor Inst. Kyoto Univ.
- Iridium concentration and noble gas composition of Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary clay from Stevns Klint, Denmark
- Coulomb Excitation of^Gd
- Design of a Compact 4π Ge Spectrometer for the Measurement of Neutron Capture Cross Sections of Minor Actinides
- Prompt Gamma Rays Emitted in Thermal-neutron Capture Reaction by ^Tc and Its Reaction Cross Section
- Measurement of Neutron Capture Cross Section of ^Np from 0.02 to 100eV
- Cross Section of Thermal-Neutron Capture Reaction by ^Tc
- Measurement of Neutron Capture Cross Section Ratios of ^Cm Resonances Using NNRI
- Fine Structure of Giant Resonance in the ^Si(γ, abs) Reaction
- Super High Resolution Measurement of Fine Structure in the Total Photonuclear Cross Section of ^C
- Thermal-Neutron Capture Cross Sections and Resonance Integrals of the ^Se(n,γ)^Se Reactions