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This paper describes the performance of the superconducting linear synchronous motor control system used for a transportation vehicle by using an exact dqO-axis mathematical model. The paper firstly shows the detailed block diagram of the speed control system, which includes the blocks of propulsion force and speed emf computations. A detailed discussion is given to the design of the control system. A cascade control system with PI controllers is designed as a numerical demonstration. It is also pointed out that the cascade control structure is a natural form for the power feeding method with three inverters. Performance simulations are shown for severe track conditions like tunnel and track gradient as well as a normal case. It is demonstrated that an integrator windup of the speed controller can occur in the case of a severe condition that one of the inverters is disabled. We show a design with more robustly stable performance by designing an anti-windup controller.
- 社団法人 電気学会の論文
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