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In a web process control system, such as for film, textile material and paper, strong couplings between the subsystems of speed and tension control exist. Then it is difficult to determine the parameters of controllers and accordingly much experience is often needed for setting up the large scale and complex system. The paper deals with the analysis and control of web tension control system. First it is pointed out that there are distinct differences between steel process and the web process dynamics. A block diagram for an experimental web tension control system is constructed, and the stabilizability test for decentralized control for the system is described. From the computer simulation, it becomes clear that the tension control subsystems have poor tracking performance in the case of conventional PI control. In order to improve the tension control performance, the author introduces a high gain adaptive control with the structure of PI. The adaptive controller compensates the disturbances from the other neighboring subsystems, and shows a satisfactory performance.
- 社団法人 電気学会の論文
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