- 論文の詳細を見る
The superconducting magnetically levitated vehicle has guidance coils that produce vehicle guidance forces according to a null flux principle. However, the expected forces dont have significant damping forces to suppress a lateral vibration of the vehicle. Even though the experimental system has some magnitude of damping, it is still small. Moreover, since the guidance forces are very weak at low speeds, the minimum levitating speed is limited. The paper proposes a guidance method using LSM armature coil currents. When the currents are decomposed into dq frame variables so that the d-axis is assigned to the filed axis, the d-axis component of currents generates the lateral forces. The lateral forces of the vehicle are formulated, and the guidance force coefficient is defined. And the author shows the design formula of the guidance regulator system that employs a dynamic compensator using a feedback signal of lateral displacement. The calculated results show that the guidance regulator system works very well as we specify.
- 社団法人 電気学会の論文
- 2000-08-01
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