Kobe Research Projects On Thrombosis And Haemostatis | 論文
- Structure-Inhibitory Activity Relationship of Plasmin and Plasma Kallikrein Inhibitors^
- Isolation of Plasma Kallikrein by High Efficiency Affinity Chromatography and Its Characterization
- Structure-Inhibitory Activity Relationships of Plasmin and Plasma Kallikrein Inhibitors
- Binding Diversity of a Noncovalent-Type Low-Molecular-Weight Serine Protease Inhibitor and Function of a Catalytic Water Molecule : X-Ray Crystal Structure of PKSI-527-Inhibited Trypsin
- Development of Potent and Selective Plasmin and Plasma Kallikrein Inhibitors and Studies on the Structure-Activity Relationship
- Development of Plasmin Inhibitors and Their Effect on M1(Melanoma) and HT29 Cell Lines
- Preparation of Highly Efficient Resin for Affinity Chromatography Employing Synthetic Specific Inhibitors : Further Studies on Purification of Plasma Kallikrein (PK)
- Development of Plasmin-Selective Inhibitors and Studies of Their Structure-Activity Relationship
- Amino Acids and Peptides. LIII. Synthesis and Biological Activities of Some Pseudo-Peptide Analogs of PKSI-527,a Plasma Kallikrein Selective Inhibitor : The Importance of the Peptide Backbone
- Design of Bifunctional Inhibitors for Enzymes in Coagulation-Fibrinolysis System : Synthesis of Plasmin Inhibitor and Evaluation of Their Inhibitory Effect
- Design of Plasma Kallikrein Inhibitors : Functional and Structural Requirements of Plasma Kallikrein Inhibitors
- Purification Method for Human Plasma Kallikrein by a New Affinity Chromatography
- Purification of Plasma Kallikrein (PK) : Preparation of PK Specific Inhibitor-Polymer Conjugate and Its Application to Purification of PK
- Design of Plasma Kallikrein Inhibitors
- Synthesis of 2(1H)-Pyrazinone Derivatives from Dipeptides and Its Application to the Development of Proteinase Inhibitor
- Structure-Activity Relationship between Arginine Derivatives and Inhibitory Activity of Horse Serum Cholinesterase