Institute Of Scientific And Industrial Research Osaka University | 論文
- Structure of the Gene for an Auxin-Binding Protein and a Gene for 7SL RNA from Arabidopsis thaliana
- High-Barrier Schottky Diodes on N-Type Si(100) Due to Hydrogen Plasma
- Absorption Spectra of Rubidium Halide-Thallium Phosphors with the CsCl-Type Structure
- Dielectric Properties of Fine-Grained BaTiO_3 Ceramics Doped with CaO
- Effect of Internal Structure on Thermal Properties of Alumina/Aluminum Composites Fabricated by Gelate-Freezing and Partial-Sintering Process, Respectively
- Tree-Based Approaches to Automatic Generation of Speech Synthesis Rules for Prosodic Parameters : Special lssue on Speech Synthesis: Current Technologies and Equipment
- Interactive Synthesis of Conceptual Schema Based on Queries : Towards an Expert System of Relational Database Design
- Ferroelectric Bi_4Ti_3O_ Films on Si(100) with An Ultrathin Buffer Layer of Silicoll Oxynitride: A Comparative Study Using X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Remolding of Tungsten Field Emitter
- Cohesion of Surface Atoms of Tungsten-Hemispherical Crystal Observed by Field Ion Microscope
- Field-Evaporation of Tungsten in Field Ion Microscope
- Surface Shape Changes of Tungsten Emitter Studied by the Field Ion Microscopy
- The -Oriented Whiskers of β-SiC Studied by the Field Emission and Field Ion Microscopes
- Comparison of Brightness of Field-Ion Image for Different Metals
- Modification of Silicon Dioxide by Hydrogen and Deuterium Plasmas at Room Temperature
- Crystal Structure of TiN Film Fabricated by Reactive Sputtering on Si(100) Substrate
- Observation of Surface Phenomena of Rhenium by F.E.M. and F.I.M.
- Assimilation of Formaldehyde in Transgenic Plants Due to the Introduction of the Bacterial Ribulose Monophosphate Pathway Genes
- Characteristics of Zn-Al-Cu Alloys for High Temperature Solder Application
- Return Current Induced by a Pulsed Electron Beam Propagating into a Netural Gas