Hitachi Ltd. | 論文
- SH-Group Introduction to the N-terminal of Subtilisin and Prepararion of Immobilized and Dimeric Enzymes
- Investigation of Supersonic Air Ejectors : Part 2,Effects of Throat-Area-Ratio on Ejector Performance
- Detection of Fundus Lesions Using Classifier Selection
- Study of Boiling Characteristic Curves in Subcooled Pool Boiling of Water (4th Report, The Mechanism of Heat Transfer in Transition Boiling)
- Remote Monitoring Life Management System for Gas Turbines(Special Issue on International Conference on Power and Energy System)
- An Automatic Testing Environment for Large-Scale Operating Systems
- An Automatic Testing Environment for Large-Scale Operating Systems
- Reduction of 2-0-Translation Table Maintenance Overhead in a Virtual Machine System
- Behavior of EHL Films in Cyclic Squeeze Motion
- Degradation of n^+/p Junction Characteristics by Aluminum Contamination
- The Increase of the Native Oxide Thickness on H-Terminated Si Surfaces by Gaseous Contamination in a Clean Room Atmosphere
- Bus Serialization for Reducing Power Consumption(Processor Architecture)
- Bus Serialization for Reducing Power Consumption
- A Hardware/Sofware Approach for Thread Level Control Speculation (計算機アーキテクチャ研究報告 2002年並列/分散/協調処理に関する『湯布院』サマー・ワークショップ(SWoPP湯布院2002))
- Dynamic Thread Extension for Speculative Multithreading Architectur (計算機アーキテクチャ 研究報告 2001年並列/分散/協調処理に関する『沖縄』サマー・ワークショップ(SWoPP「沖縄」2001)--研究会・連続同時開催--テーマ:並列/分散/協調システムの支援アーキテクチャ技術と評価)
- IPv4-IPv6 Dual Stack Hosts Using the "Bump-In-the-Stack" Technique (BIS) (Special Issue on Internet Technology)
- On Determination of Gold Trap Concentration in Diffused Silicon pn Junctions
- 高電流駆動能力270Vマルチエミッタ横型IGBT
- Calculation of losses and temperature rises at the stator core ends of air cooled turbine generators considering the stator slot end field