Graduate School Of Biotechnology Korea University | 論文
- High-level TNF-α Secretion and Macrophage Activity with Soluble β-Glucans from Saccharomyces cerevisiae(Food & Nutrition Science)
- Cyclo (D-Pro-_L-Val), a Specific β-Glucosidase Inhibitor Produced by Aspergillus sp. F70609
- Cyclo (Dehydroala-L-Leu), an α-Glucosidase Inhibitor from Penicillium sp. F70614
- Biochemical Properties of Polysaccharides from Black Pepper
- Purification and Biological Activity of Acidic Polysaccharide from Leaves of Thymus vulgaris L.
- Purification and Characterization of Anti-complementary Polysaccharide from Leaves of Thymus vulgaris L.
- Enzymatic Synthesis of 6-O-α-D-Galactopyranosyl-1-deoxynojirimycin Using α-Galactosidase from Green Coffee Beans
- 430 Development of the Automatic Design and Manufacturing Program using VisualLISP
- Purification and Characterization of Antithrombotics from Syzygium aromaticum (L.) MERR. & PERRY
- Formulation of Defined Media for Carbon Monoxide Fermentation by Eubacterium limosum KIST612 and the Growth Characteristics of the Bacterium
- Development of an Effective Sample Preparation Method for the Proteome Analysis of Body Fluids Using 2-D Gel Electrophoresis(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Purification of Soluble β-Glucan with Immune-enhancing Activity from the Cell Wall of Yeast
- Effect of Culture Conditions on Production of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid by Recombinant Escherichia coli
- In Vitro and in Vivo Effects of Macrophage-Stimulatory Polysaccharide from Leaves of Perilla frutescens var. crispa
- Analysis of Manufacturing Processes for Metal Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Alloy Composite Fabricated by Low-Pressure Casting
- Effect of Ultrasonic Vibration on Infiltration of Nickel Porous Preform with Molten Aluminum Alloys
- Proteomics of Halophilic archaea
- Paste texture of sago starch in comparison with other commercial starches
- IS-49 DNA Gains and Losses in Primary Ovarian Carcinomas by Comparative Genomic Hybridization : A Preliminary Report
- Catabolite Repression of the Xylanase Gene (xynA) Expression in Bacillus stearothermophilus No.236 and B.subtilis