Faculty of pharmaceutical Sciences, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University | 論文
- A Note on Diffusion in Finite Composite Media
- Anti-allergic activity of Glycopeptide isolated from Perilla frutescens BRITTON
- Antioxidant and Antiviral Activities of Plastoquinones from the Brown Alga Sargassum micracanthum, and a New Chromene Derivative Converted from the Plastoquinones(Pharmacognosy)
- Effects of Apple Pectin on Fecal Bacterial Enzymes in Azoxymethane-induced Rat Colon Carcinogenesis
- Synthesis of Poison-Frog Alkaloids 237D, 207A, and Two Congeners of 235B' for Evaluation to Inhibitory Effect of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors
- Enantioselective Synthesis of Poison-Frog Alkaloid 237D and Determination of Absolute Stereochemistry
- Structural Analysis of an Antibacterial Peptide Derived from a Nematode
- Stereochemical Correlation of Di- and Trihydroxy-β-diketone Fungal Metabolites, (-)-Terredionol and Terremutin Hydrate, with Sugar Alcohols : The Absolute Configuration of (-)-Terredionol
- Spleen Lymphocyte Kinetics in Mice under Normal and Inflammatory Conditions : An Application of the Transgenic Mouse Expressing β-Galactosidase (ROSA 26)(Biopharmacy)
- Dietary Manipulation by Perilla Oil and Fish Oil of Hepatic Lipids and Its Influence on Peroxisomal β-Oxidation and Serum Lipids in Rat and Mouse
- A Study of the Hydrophilic Cellulose Matrix : Effect of Indomethacin and a Water-Soluble Additive on Release Mechanisms
- Two-Layer Membrane Model for Iontophoretic Drug Transport through Excised Rat Skin
- Effect of l-Menthol on the Permeation of Indomethacin, Mannitol and Cortisone through Excised Hairless Mouse Skin
- Transfer of Diclofenac Sodium across Excised Guinea Pig Skin on High-Frequency Pulse Iontophoresis. II. : Factors Affecting Steady-State Transport Rate
- Transfer of Diclofenac Sodium across Excised Guinea Pig Skin on High-Frequency Pulse Intophoresis. I. : Equivalent Circuit Model
- 高周波パルス型イオントフォレシスによるフマル酸フォルモテロールの経皮吸収促進(第2報)通電方法, 周波数及び通電率の影響
- デンプン-ケイ酸塩混合二成分系粉体におけるラジカル生成
- ケイ酸塩のケイ酸重合形態の解析方法としてのトリメチルシリレーション法とケイモリブデン酸法の比較研究
- 粉末薬剤の流動性に及ぼすアルミノケイ酸マグネシウムの影響