Faculty of Engineering The University of Tokyo | 論文
- The Effect of Atmosphere and Doping on Electrical Conductivity of CuO
- The Enhanced Penetration of Oxygen along the Grain Boundary in Semiconducting Barium Titanate
- B-1-94 The Radiation Characteristics of a Partially Driven Array on a Waved Surface
- B-1-90 Optimization of Beam Scan Capability in a Partially Driven Phased Array Antenna
- Simulation study on the beam scanning of a partially driven phased array antenna (アンテナ・伝播)
- Global Bifurcation Structure of Chaotic Neural Networks and its Application to Traveling Salesman Problems
- A Current-Mode Implementation of a Chaotic Neuron Model Using a SI Integrator
- A Convolutional Coded ARQ Scheme with Retransmission Criterion Based on an Estimated Decoding Error Rate
- The Multicast Tree Based Routing for The Complete Broadcast Multipoint-to-Multipoint Communications
- Spectroscopic Study of Molecular Vibrational Energy in Phase-Changing Process
- Verification and Violation Correction of Timing Constraints for Gate-Level Asynchronous Circuits (特集:システムLSIの設計技術と設計自動化)
- Verification of Timing Constraints for Fine-Grain Pipelined Asynchronous Data-Path Circuits (デザインガイヤ2000) -- (VLSIの設計/検証/テスト及び一般)
- Verification of Timing Constraints for Fine-Grain Pipelined Asynchronous Data-Path Circuits (デザインガイヤ2000) -- (VLSIの設計/検証/テスト及び一般)
- Verification of Timing Constraints for Fine-Grain Pielined Asynchronous Data-Path Circuits (デザインガイヤ2000) -- (VLSIの設計/検証/テスト及び一般)
- 3E-3 Layout Methodology for SDI Model Asynchronous Circuits
- Optical properties of oxynitride powders
- 導電性ダイヤモンド電極の硝酸水溶液中におけるPb〔2+〕/PbO2酸化還元過程に対する応答
- On the performance of parallel algorithms on a gracefully degrading system achieved through the BSPM
- Fatigue Strength of Carbon-Steel Castings
- Integrating Smart Cards into Transaction Schemes