Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University | 論文
- New Quinone Sulfates from the Crinoids Tropiometra afra macrodiscus and Oxycomanthus japonicus
- Amino Acids and Peptides. XIII. : Synthesis of a Nonacosapeptide Corresponding to the N-Terminal Sequence 1-29 (β-Fragment) of Human Liver Metallothionein II (hMT II) and Its Heavy Metal-Binding Properties
- Studies on Ergothioneine. VIII. Preventive Effects of Ergothioneine on Cadmium-induced Teratogenesis
- 66 ツバキおよび近縁植物の抗HIV作用を有するタンニン(ポスター発表の部)
- 7.ラット及び家兎骨格筋中のアンゼリン, カルノシン含量(JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE AND VITAMINOLOGY : 掲載論文要旨)
- Amino Acids and Peptides. XXVI. Laminin-Related Peptide Poly (Ethylene Glycol) Hybrids and Their Inhibitory Effect on Experimental Metastasis
- Amino Acids and Peptides. XXV. Preparation of Fibronectin-Related Peptide Poly(ethylene glycol) Hybrids and Their Inhibitory Effect on Experimental Metastasis
- Effect of a Monoclonal Anti-sperm Antibody (A-1) on in Vitro Fertilization in the Mouse
- Effect of Adriamycin on Cultured Mouse Embryo Myocardial Cells(Pharmacological)
- 培養心筋細胞の拍動並びにATP量に対するAdriamycin及びCoQ_の作用 : 日本ビタミン学会第36回大会一般研究発表要旨
- 2-II-16 心筋細胞に対するアドリアマイシンの脂質過酸化並びに拍動阻害作用に対するα-Toc及びCoQの効果 : 第35回大会一般研究発表要旨 : 日本ビタミン学会
- Studies on Ergothioneine. XI. Inhibitory Effect on Lipid Peroxide Formation in Mouse Liver
- Studies on Ergothioneine. X. Effects of Ergothioneine on the Hepatic Drug Metabolizing Enzyme System and on Experimental Hepatic Injury in Rats
- Studies on Ergothioneine. VII. Some Effects of Ergothioneine on Glycolytic Metabolism in Red Blood Cells from Rats
- 1-II-3 アドリアマイシンによる心筋細胞呼吸及び拍動阻害並びにCoQの保護効果 : 第34回大会研究発表要旨 : 日本ビタミン学会
- Studies on Ergothioneine. VI. Distribution and Fluctuations of Ergothioneine in Rats
- Studies on Bredinin (II) Effect of Guanine Derivatives on Cytotoxicity and Teratogenicity of Bredinin in Rats
- Quantitative Determination of Ergothioneine in Plasma and Tissues by TLC-Densitometry
- Teratogenic Effects of Bredinin, a New Immunosuppressive Agent, in Rats
- Studies on Ergothioneine. V. Determination by High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Application to Metabolic Research