Faculty Of Agriculture Shizuoka University | 論文
- 木材の半径方向のき裂進展におよぼす負荷速度と含水率の影響〔英文〕
- Structures of Thermoactinomyces vulgaris R-47 α-Amylase II Complexed with Substrate Analogues
- The Deletion of Amino-Terminal Domain in Thermoactinomyces vulgaris R-47 α-Amylases : Effects of domain N on Activity, Specificity, Stability and Dimerization
- Analysis of Catalytic Residues of Thermoactinomyces vulgaris R-47 α-Amylase II (TVA II) by Site-directed Mutagenesis
- Antitumor Activity and Some Properties of Water-insoluble Hetero-glycans from "Himematsutake," the Fruiting Body of Agaricus blazei Murill(Biological Chemistry)
- Antitumor Activity and Some Properties of Water-soluble Polysaccharides from "Himematsutake," the Fruiting Body of Agaricus blazei Murill(Biological Chemistry)
- Synthesis and Functions of a Glycopolymer Carrying Galβ1→4(GlcNac)_3 Tetrasaccharide
- Isolation and Characterization of a β-Primeverosidase Concerned with Alcoholic Aroma Formation in Tea Leaves
- A Primeverosidase as a Main Glycosidase Concerned with the Alcoholic Aroma Formation in Tea Leaves
- Identification of coumarin-enriched Japanese green teas and their particular flavor using electronic nose
- Elucidation of the biochemical pathway of 2-phenylethanol from shikimic acid using isolated protoplasts of rose flowers
- Quenching of Peroxynitrite by Lycopene in Vitro
- Oxygenated Lycopene and Dehydrated Lutein in Tomato Puree(Organic Chemistry)
- ヒエ種子中に含まれるステロールおよびステロイド系3-オンの同定
- アワ種子中に含まれる新規ステロイド、24-Ethyl-5α-cholest-24(28)Z-en-3-oneの合成と同定
- Occurrence of Potential Brassinosteroid Precursor Steroids in Seeds of Wheat and Foxtail Millet
- Identification of Brassinosteroids with Epimerized Substituents and/or the 23-Oxo Group in Pollen and Anthers of Japanese Cedar
- Al-Based Electrodes for Large Size and High Resolution TFT AM-LCDs (情報ディスプレイ--The 6th Asian Symposium on Information Display & Exhibition)
- Al-based Electrodes for Large Size and High Resolution TFT AM-LCDs
- Endogenous α-Ketol Linolenic Acid Levels in Short Day-Induced Cotyledons are Closely Related to Flower Induction in Pharbitis nil