Electrical Communication Laboratory | 論文
- Optical Observation of the First-Order Transition of Barium Titanate Single Crystal at the Curie Point
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Some Crystalline Polymers
- Measurement of the Complex Permeability of Carbonyl Iron Powders at 4000 Mc/s
- Dielectric Property of Triglycine Sulfate Single Crystal at 9000Mc/s Region
- P-T-x Phase Diagram of the Lead Telluride System
- Magnetic Properies of η Phase in Mn-Ga System
- Recombination and Trapping Processes at Deep Centers in N-Type GaAs
- Oscillatory Magnetoresistance in N-Type PbTe
- Hall Effect in N- and P-type Germanium at 24 Gc
- Formation and Properties of Anodic Oxide Films on Indium Antimonide
- The New Magnetic Phase in Manganese-Aluminium-Nickel System
- On the New Magnetic Phase in Manganese-Aluminium-Copper System
- The Magnetic Properties of the k Phase in Mn-Al-Co System.
- The Magnetic Properties of ε Phase in Mn-Ga System
- Magnetic Properties of ζPhase in Mn-Ga System
- Distribution of Dislocations near the Junction Formed by Diffusion of Phosphorus in Silicon
- The Use of Radioactive Isotope in a Study of Evolution of Strontium Oxide under Electron Bombardment
- Observations of Dislocations in Phosphorus-Diffused Silicon by X-Ray and Etching Techniques
- Properties of Surface Imperfections Produced on Germanium by Cleaning Treatments
- Anisotropy in Etching and Deposition of Selective Epitaxial Growth of GaAs II