Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,KYoto University | 論文
- Projectile-Breakup Process in ^Ne+^Ca Reactions at 92,149 and 213 MeV
- Plasma Current Sustainment and Ramp-Up by Electron Cyclotron Waves in the WT-2 Tokamak
- Formation of High Energy Electron Tail during rf Plasma Current Start-Up in the WT-2 Tokamak
- Current Sustainment by lower Hybrid Waves in the WT-2 Tokamak
- Toroidal Plasma Current Start-Up and Sustainment by rf in the WT-2 Toroidal Device
- Electron Cyclotron Resonance-Preionization in the WT-1 Tokamak
- Toroidal Current Drive by Lower Hybrid Wave in WT-2 Tokamak
- Observation of the Upper-Hybrid Soliton and Its Recurring Behaviour
- Stabilization and Destabilization of Sawtooth Oscillations by Lower Hybrid Current Drive in the WT-3 Tokamak
- Electron Cyclotron Emission from Lower Hybrid Current Drive Plasma on the WT-3 Tokamak
- ^C (p, t)^C and ^C (p, ^3He)^B Reactions at E_p=51.9 MeV
- Low Frequency Instability in Plasmas Produced by a Local Electron Cyclotron Resonance
- Observation of High Frequency Instability in Plasmas Produced by Local Electron Cyclotron Resonance
- Degeneracy in the Crystal Structure of As_2S_3
- Spatial Damping of Whistler Waves in Plasmas
- Preliminary Experiment on Electron Beam Injection for Tokamak Current Drive
- Spatial Cyclotron Damping of Whistler Waves in Plasmas. II
- Physical Interpretation of Current Start-Up by rf in WT-2 Tokamak
- Transport Code Study of Electron Cyclotron Heating in Tokamaks
- Propagation Characteristics of Electrostatic and Whistler Waves in Plasma Columns