Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,KYoto University | 論文
- Nonlinear Interaction of Bernstein Waves in a Beam-Plasma System
- Instability near electron cyclotron harmonic frequencies in beam-plasma system〔英文〕
- Observation of a Turbulence-Like Spectrum in a Beam-Plasma System
- Negative Absorption at Harmonics of the Electron Cyclotron Frequency in Weakly Ionized Plasma
- Analysis of the Negative Absorption of Plasma-Cavity System
- Negative Absorption of Microwave Radiation in a Weakly Ionized Xenon Plasma in Magnetic Field
- Experiments on Negative Absorption in a Xenon Plasma
- Anomalous Microwave Transmission through a Xenon Plasma at the Electron Cyclotron Frequency
- Secondary Emission in NaNO_2 under Selective Excitation:Dispersion and Relaxation of ν_ Exciton
- Numerical Studies of Wave Trajectories and Electron Cyclotron Heating in Toroidal Plasmas
- Luminescent Lifetimes and Decay Processes of Hetero-Nuclear Relaxed Excitons [ClI~(V_k)+e] in KCl:I and RbCl:I
- Luminescence of Localized Excitons in KCl:I at Low Temperatures
- Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma Produced with a Closed Spheroidal Electron Cyclotron Resonance Surface in a Simple Cusp Field
- Mossbauer Studies on the Tellurium-Selenium Mixed Chains
- Pressure Effect on the Two-Phase Region in the Liquid Tl-Se Mixtures
- Fine Structure in Luminescence Spectra of NaNO_2. II. Isotopic Lines and their Resonant Enhancement
- Non-Thermal Radiation at Runaway Electron Instability
- Subpicosecond Accumulated Photon Echo with Incoherent Light
- The Backward Photon Echoes in Na and Na_2 in the Nanosecond and Picosecond Regions
- Experimental Studies of Density Fluctuations in WT Tokamak by SMM Wave Scattering