Department of Electronics, Kyushu University | 論文
- Force-Displacement Characteristics of Fluxoid Lattice and Pinning Potential in Y-Ba-Cu-O Bulk Superconductor
- Effect of Y_2BaCuO_5 Particles on Pinning Characteristics of Y-Ba-Cu-O Prepared by Melt Powder Melt Growth Method
- Flux Creep in Sintered Superconducting Y-Ba-Cu-O
- AC Inductive Measurement of Intergrain and Intragrain Currents in High-T_c Oxide Superconductors : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Critical Transport Current Density in Sintered Oxide Superconductors with High Critical Temperature : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Estimate of Attainable Critical Current Density in Superconducting YBa_2Cu_3O_
- A Superconducting Sub-Structure in Sintered YBaCu_3O_ Plates
- Self-Organization in a Rhizoid Formation of Fucus Eggs
- Perpendicularly Magnetized L1_0-FePt / MgO Epitaxially grown on GaAs for Electrical Spin Injection
- A Reductive Perturbation Approach to Hard-Mode Instabilities of Inverted-Type Bifurcations
- Dynamic Aspect of a Phase Transition in DOPH-Millipore Membranes
- Improvement of Oxidation-Induced Ge Condensation Method by H^+ Implantation and Two-Step Annealing for Highly Stress-Relaxed SGOI
- Nonsaturated Global Pinning Force in Superconducting Nb-Ta with Normal Precipitates
- Stress-Relaxation Process during Post-Annealing in SGOI Formed by H^+ Irradiation and Oxidation-Induced Ge Condensation
- Improved oxidation-induced Ge condensation technique by using H^+ irradiation and post-annealing for highly stress-relaxed ultrathin SGOI
- Improvement of Oxidation-Induced Ge Condensation Method by H^+ Implantation and Two-Step Annealing for Highly Stress-Relaxed SiGe-on-Insulator
- Furnace Annealing Behavior of B-doped Poly-SiGe Formed on Insulating Film
- Resistance Increase in CoSi_2 Layer by Irradiation Induced Damage
- Thin CoSi_2 Formation on SiO_2 with Low-Energy Ion Irradiation
- Low-temperature Epitaxial Growth of Ferromagnetic Silicide for SiGe Based Spintransistors(Session 1A : Emerging Device Technology 1)